Strengthening economic cooperation: Türkiye-Saudi Arabia Business Forum

16:397/06/2023, Wednesday
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Strengthening Economic Cooperation: Türkiye-Saudi Arabia Business Forum
Strengthening Economic Cooperation: Türkiye-Saudi Arabia Business Forum

The Türkiye-Suudi Arabistan İş Forumu (Türkiye-Saudi Arabia Business Forum) brought together the Turkish and Saudi Arabian business communities through two major events held in Riyadh and Jeddah, along with high-level discussions. Organized under the coordination of the Independent Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (MÜSİAD), the business forum took place in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, and Jeddah, one of the region's most significant commercial centers.

Riyadh: The First Stop

The forum's first meeting, organized in collaboration between MÜSİAD and the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce, took place in the capital city. It involved various visits and B2B meetings. With nearly 50 MÜSİAD member companies and firms affiliated with the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce participating in bilateral discussions, the aim was to accelerate the Development Plan aligned with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030.

Supporting Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030

IBF President Erol Yarar emphasized their support for Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, which goes beyond the traditional focus on oil and emphasizes industrial and technological advancements. Yarar highlighted the potential for significant contributions from Türkiye and MÜSİAD to this development plan and vision. The discussions aimed to foster investment and production-oriented collaborations, with the possibility of establishing a MÜSİAD Representative Office in Saudi Arabia.

Gala Dinner and Official Visits

As part of the Türkiye-Suudi Arabistan İş Forumu, a Gala Dinner was organized, bringing together important business figures from Saudi Arabia and Türkiye. The dinner provided an opportunity for further bilateral discussions to enhance and enrich trade between the two countries. Additionally, the MÜSİAD delegation made an official visit to the Turkish Embassy in Riyadh, strengthening diplomatic and business ties.

Jeddah: The Summit of Productive Business Meetings

After concluding the program in Riyadh, the MÜSİAD delegation moved to Jeddah to hold the Cidde ayağı (Jeddah leg) of the Türkiye-Suudi Arabistan İş Forumu. Here, the Suudi Arabistan İş Görüşmeleri Zirvesi (Saudi Arabia Business Meetings Summit) was organized. The summit witnessed a large number of bilateral meetings, becoming one of the most productive business gatherings in recent times.

Exploring Investment Opportunities in Jeddah

The B2B meetings held at the Cidde Ticaret Odası (Jeddah Chamber of Commerce) facilitated discussions on future collaboration opportunities, with the participation of Cidde Ticaret Odası Vice President, MÜSİAD representatives, and the Turkish Consul General in Jeddah. The importance of increased collaboration and more frequent interactions between MÜSİAD and Cidde Ticaret Odası was emphasized, along with joint investment initiatives.

The Türkiye-Suudi Arabistan İş Forumu provided a platform for Turkish and Saudi Arabian businesses to come together, fostering stronger economic ties. With fruitful discussions, official visits, and productive B2B meetings, the forum aimed to enhance bilateral trade, promote investment opportunities, and support Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030. The outcomes of the forum are expected to contribute to the growth of both countries' economies and open avenues for long-lasting partnerships.

#Türkiye-Saudi Arabia Business Forum