Weather by province in Türkiye. According to the information obtained from the Turkish State Meteorological Service, you can easily find out the weather forecast for all cities in Turkey for 02 January 2025, today, tomorrow, the next 5 days, and the weekly forecast from the Yeni Şafak weather page.
In the daily weather forecast, you will find information about the expected highest and lowest temperatures, humidity percentage, and weather conditions such as windy, sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, etc. for each day or period.
Additionally, in the weather forecasts, information such as wind speed, humidity percentage, and temperature is updated daily and at 3-hour intervals. The data on the Türkiye weather page of Yeni Şafak is regularly updated with the latest information from the General Directorate of Meteorology. This way, you can access the most accurate and up-to-date weather forecasts for all cities in Türkiye through Yeni Şafak.
Türkiye Moon Phases. 02 January 2025, Thursday, the moon in Turkey is observed in the waning gibbous phase. You can easily learn the 14-day moon phases for Turkey from the Yeni Şafak weather page. Daily moon phases are updated hourly with current data. Follow the daily weather and moon phases for all cities in Turkey most accurately and up-to-date through Yeni Şafak.