
Drag queens' parody of Last Supper at Paris Olympics ‘dangerous': West Bank archimandrite

Reenactment during opening ceremony has provoked backlash

08:36 - 29/07/2024 Pazartesi
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A Roman Catholic archimandrite from Ramallah, Abdullah Yulio, criticized on Saturday a drag queen-led parody of the Last Supper during Friday's opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics, calling it "very dangerous."

In a statement to Anadolu, Yulio said: “There are forces that seek to preserve the external appearances of religion, but empty it of content and fight its values ​​and symbols.”

Stressing that ordinary people do not realize that religion is being targeted, he added: “This is happening in religion, in politics and in every field. In this way, values are eliminated and society is transformed into a society devoid of values and symbols.

"However, all societies need values and symbols.”

During the opening celebrations of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, Leonardo da Vinci's painting The Last Supper, which depicts Jesus Christ's meal with his disciples, was reenacted by drag queens.

The reenactment has provoked a backlash, inviting widespread criticism.

#paris 2024 olympics
#Ramallah Archimandrite
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