The majority of those martyred on the night of July 15 while resisting the coup bid were married with children. As many as 355 people were left without a parent, including 264 children.

Democracy watches were launched across Turkey's 81 provinces after the coup attempt and lasted for days. Millions of civilians from ages 7 to 70 participated in the democracy watches, which were most crowded after work hours, but in the first light of the morning, the squares were not empty.

Symbols of resistance that were used in democracy watches held across Turkey were always the same. The flags, anthems, slogans and food at the democracy watches became symbols of Turkey's resistance against the coup.

During the July 15 coup attempt, 92 of the 248 martyrs went out to the streets after the call of President Erdoğan. After the critical call of the president, the streets were filled.

The data, including the structuring of FETÖ in 100 countries, active in 170 countries in the world, gives the number of establishments such as schools, associations, foundations, financial resources and media that can be determined. The total number of detectable FETÖ establishments is 1470.

Fetullah Gülen, the leader of Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), delivered sermons between 1953 and 1991. In 38 years Gülen, who is responsible for the July 15 coup bid, delivered speeches in numerous mosques.

The total number of the institutions of Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) is 1470. FETÖ is operating in 170 countries via its institutions.

Since the 1980’s, judicial institutions have become FETÖ’s most strategic targets of infiltration activities as it attempted to seize control over the government. Once within the judiciary, a member of FETÖ would mentor and assign judges and prosecutors, and during the 2000s, they would sign on a large number of operations.