
US Syria envoy heads to Turkey, Saudi Arabia

James Jeffrey to visit Ankara, Istanbul to meet Turkish, Syrian opposition officials

News Service
10:08 - 9/01/2020 Thursday
Update: 10:10 - 9/01/2020 Thursday
US Special Envoy for Syria James Jeffrey
US Special Envoy for Syria James Jeffrey

U.S. Special Envoy for Syria James Jeffrey will travel to Turkey and Saudi Arabia this week to discuss regional issues, the State Department said Wednesday.

Jeffery will meet top Turkish officials and Syrian opposition members in Ankara and Istanbul to discuss the situation in northeastern Syria, UN Security Council Resolution 2254 and anti-Daesh coalition's efforts in Syria and Iraq.

On Jan. 12, Jeffrey will arrive in Riyadh to meet Saudi officials to discuss efforts to promote stability and security in Syria as well as the need to continue stabilization activities to ensure the enduring defeat of the Daesh/ISIS terror group.

"In both countries Ambassador Jeffrey will also discuss recent regional developments to ensure continued coordination on Syria and our efforts to defeat ISIS," said the State Department.

Jeffrey was last visited Turkey in November to meet Turkish and Syrian opposition officials.

#envoy for Syria
#James Jeffrey
5 years ago