Baykar company’s TB2 unmanned planes were used with devastating effect by governments in Tripoli and Baku, both Turkish allies,' the report said
Turkey’s globally lauded armed drones helped “sway conflicts” in Libya and Azerbaijan in favor of Ankara from thousands of miles away, according to a new report by U.S.-based Bloomberg, as the Turkish-made unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAV) continue to rack up praise in international media.
“Baykar company’s TB2 unmanned planes were used with devastating effect by governments in Tripoli and Baku, both Turkish allies,” the report said, highlighting Turkey’s growing defense industry.
Turkey’s drone strategy has garnered worldwide praise, prompting many countries to reassess their defense strategies in light of Ankara’s recent success in altering the balance on the battlefield in Libya, Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh.
The Bayraktar TB2 armed UAV was developed and manufactured by Turkish defense company Baykar Technologies.
It has been used by the Turkish Armed Forces and Turkey's Security Directorate since 2015, most recently credited for Azerbaijan’s military success in the Karabakh conflict.
Earlier this month, Ankara’s “imaginative employment” of UAVs in Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh was highlighted as a model for the U.K. to emulate, according to a recent report by the British Ministry of Defense, as Turkey’s role in NATO was highlighted, and its use of drones in Libya and the Karabakh conflict served as an example of new defense technologies.