After the flood...

21:2712/10/2024, Saturday
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A year has passed since the Aqsa Flood, and since then, Israel's aggression has extended beyond Gaza to Lebanon. Watching a genocide unfold from afar, helpless, first brings sorrow and anger, followed by hopelessness and inaction. However, the Aksâ Flood has already yielded concrete results and is being recognized as a turning point in many respects. It offers not despair but hope and action. Let's explore through questions and answers: What did Gaza and its people teach us? Gaza taught us resistance

A year has passed since the Aqsa Flood, and since then, Israel's aggression has extended beyond Gaza to Lebanon. Watching a genocide unfold from afar, helpless, first brings sorrow and anger, followed by hopelessness and inaction. However, the Aksâ Flood has already yielded concrete results and is being recognized as a turning point in many respects. It offers not despair but hope and action.

Let's explore through questions and answers:

What did Gaza and its people teach us? Gaza taught us resistance and perseverance. The determination and hope of people living under constant bombardment have powerful lessons for us all. Gaza reminded the world that living with dignity and honor is one of humanity's greatest assets. Millions, both Muslim and non-Muslim, reevaluated their own lives, adjusting their principles and making decisions inspired by the resilience of Gazans. Many Muslims began to reform themselves, and countless others were introduced to Islam through their reflections on Gaza.

Is Israel unstoppable? Reading the situation purely as "Israel’s power vs. Muslim weakness" can be misleading. The blow Israel, Zionism, and the Jewish people have taken is greater, relatively speaking, than the losses suffered by Muslims. The hatred toward Israel, Zionism, and the Jewish people has reached historic highs. Globally, there’s a wave of revulsion and contempt. Internal conflicts within Israel have become too deep to resolve. Despite all the money, lobbying, and media campaigns, the occupation of Palestinian land is now associated with insecurity and fear for the future, leading many to flee Israel. This is no small feat.

Is boycotting effective? Absolutely. Before the Aksâ Flood, some major brands' support for Israel was dismissed as conspiracy theories. Now, we have concrete, undeniable evidence. For the first time, the Muslim world has fully recognized the power of its economic leverage. Even young children in supermarkets are reading labels to identify products. Especially among the new generation, the awareness of boycotts has taken strong root. We must not be discouraged by the inconsistencies of some adults today; the young people growing up now will act with integrity when their time comes.

How do we convey these issues to people? We must avoid assuming that the majority of society will be fully conscious and informed. We will encounter polemics, ignorance, bigotry, and superficiality along the way. We must focus on truth and facts, ensuring we have platforms, stages, and microphones to share our message. Our aim should be to present our cause in a high-quality, lasting, and impactful manner. A small, informed, and determined group can change the course of society. We should always keep this in mind.

What happens next? Being driven to despair by the current situation should never be an option. History teaches us that the Muslim world has overcome even worse crises and disasters. Our region has faced invasions, civil wars, plagues, and natural disasters, often all at once. This is the sum of our history. Just as we have survived before, we will continue to exist today and tomorrow. If we see life and history in this way, we will focus not on today’s suffering but on the duties of tomorrow. Since we didn’t choose the time we were born into, we have no choice but to respond quickly and engage with reality.

#Aqsa Flood
#October 7