The West failed to do in Turkey what it did in Egypt and Venezuela!

10:4011/02/2019, Monday
U: 11/02/2019, Monday
Selçuk Türkyılmaz

The process started by the putschist Sisi regime and his supporters to topple the Morsi government indicated a method that was masterfully prepared. Post-Soviet states had gone through a similar experience as pro-American administrations were forming. Morsi’s supporters had a deep-rooted tradition, but their inexperience hindered them from rising in politics. Erdoğan made very important suggestions and warnings to Egypt’s new government at that time, but Morsi was able to remain in power only fo

The process started by the putschist Sisi regime and his supporters to topple the Morsi government indicated a method that was masterfully prepared. Post-Soviet states had gone through a similar experience as pro-American administrations were forming. Morsi’s supporters had a deep-rooted tradition, but their inexperience hindered them from rising in politics. Erdoğan made very important suggestions and warnings to Egypt’s new government at that time, but Morsi was able to remain in power only for a brief stint.

There were simultaneous demonstrations in Turkey around the same time protests took place against the Morsi government. They once again established a pro-Western government in Egypt, however, they couldn’t realize this goal in Turkey. The ones who have to identify their failure in Turkey are those who were the subjects of the intervention of the imperialism in the country. Because this is imperialism’s failure.

A similar administration which was successfully established in Egypt is in the making in Venezuela today. Back then, the demonstrations that had started in Cairo also began spread to other cities. There was a similar process in Turkey as well. The demonstrations in Istanbul began to spread to other cities. There is a similar process going on in Venezuela today. They are going to create tensions between Maduro’s supporters and the opposition, and later try to escalate these tensions to cause a conflict. This was how they became successful in Cairo.

A short while before the Morsi government came to power, the masses were on the streets trying to oust the corrupted government. Their hopes were quickly dashed. They would probably try to create a similar conflict in Turkey too. However, Turkey’s politics had significant experiences regarding these types of conflicts. That is why, the synthetic polarization and conflict were stopped at a certain phase. For us this is one of the most important gains of 2013.

Merely the comparison of the experiences of Egypt, Venezuela and Turkey, in terms of the reactions against the Western intervention, shows Turkey’s vast experience in its struggle against the West. Erdoğan’s Cairo speech became an issue of debate among religious masses in Turkey. Some columnists claimed that a secular lifestyle will become dominant in Egypt, and that Cairo would become more open to capitalism and Western imperialism. It was certain that those who see things from a wider perspective were evaluating Erdoğan’s warnings within the framework of the efforts to create a new state and administrative tradition in Egypt.

We can explain the criticisms of some circles against Erdoğan as well as those regarding Sisi’s success against Morsi in Egypt with a divergent approach between the states and groups. The forced resignation of Turkish leader Erbakan during the post-modern coup of February 28, 1997 is a good example of these differences. The attitude Erbakan assumed back in those days was the result of his inability to step out of the boundaries of being a team leader. Even though Turkey did not lose its independence at that time, it couldn’t produce sustainable policies. Dependent structures, which were both individual and collective, ignored any possible alternative, and they could set the entire country to fire for eliminating those alternatives. Hence, the economic crisis that occurred after February 28 showed that “setting the entire country to fire” was not only a metaphor. Erbakan played an important historical role for not allowing the tension to turn into a conflict.

In their fight against the West, Brazil and Egypt run along a similar line. We can say that they are currently on the losing side. It is also certain that the U.S. wants to make sure that this continues. Time will tell whether Venezuela can learn from Turkey’s experiences. Since the U.S. and its supporters resort to similar methods to subjugate other countries, we can say that the fight against them will also be similar.

In this respect, the increasing number of interfaith dialogue meetings organized by the Pope and his intentions to move these meetings into Gulf countries isn’t surprising at all. It is logical to apply a method which was proven successful in a different context. The Fetullah Terror Organization (FETÖ) is the spawn of the interfaith dialogue project. Unfortunately, it has become successful. People don’t want to see FETÖ as a successful example, but this structure was accepted in different fields until the July 15 coup attempt. The mental changes it caused, on the other hand, are going to be more lasting.

Those who claim that the world has turned into a global village should not limit the scope of this claim. We can find this statement in sources dating back to the 19th century. The advancement of naval technology and the construction of railways created the idea that the world has turned into a global village. We can also say that the world has turned into a global village regarding the invasion of countries, regime changes, coups and robberies.

#Western hegemony