Consciences for sale

09:2422/12/2017, Cuma
U: 22/12/2017, Cuma
Kemal Öztürk

Trump is actually not talking about buying the votes of states. What he is talking about is an exchange, which U.S. politics was founded on, where everything is “for sale.” If you watch the show House of Cards which is the best TV show in terms of accurately reflecting how the internal politics of the U.S. works, you can see how everything is bought and sold.   Who had the idea that everything was established on interests?  The principle that “Politics are founded on interests” belo

Trump is actually not talking about buying the votes of states. What he is talking about is an exchange, which U.S. politics was founded on, where everything is
“for sale.”

If you watch the show House of Cards which is the best TV show in terms of accurately reflecting how the internal politics of the U.S. works, you can see how everything is bought and sold.  

Who had the idea that everything was established on interests?

The principle that “Politics are founded on interests” belongs to the British not to the Americans. Former British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston (1784-1865) said,
“We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal” and
foreign politicians of the country based their strategies on this. ‘

That’s why they say, “There are no principles in foreign policy, there are only interests” whenever they run into a problem.

The Americans show the world how this is done like a “politic middleman.” With Trump, this policy turned into something like a cowboy shopping for a bison. As vulgar, as banal and as threatening.

What happened during the Jerusalem voting, Trump’s and the U.S.’s Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley’s words were noted in history as a vulgarity that will not be forgotten for years.

They want to buy consciences not votes

What Americans want to buy with a couple of million dollars is not just a simple vote. The U.S. wishes to buy people’s consciences, morals and sense of justice. And they threaten those who don’t’ sell.   

We are watching a U.S. administration that has literally hit rock bottom.

As I write these words, the voting in the UN had not been concluded. However, we shall see who will bow down to this blackmail, and who will sell their consciences, morals, ideals and faiths for money.

The U.S. wants us to accept something that contradicts with UN resolutions, agreements and consciences. Because that’s what they did. Trump wants to do to the world what the Jewish lobby did to him. They want to force us to give Jerusalem to Israel for money and power and by force.

They do this in such an overt, discourteous and privileged manner, one can’t help but revolt. 

How much is the conscience of a person worth? We shall see.

What are we doing against those who want to buy our consciences?

This world suffers because of those who worship power and who think might is right.

This world is miserable because of those who think gaining power or being powerful is the most important thing in the world.

I will say again what I say all the time.

They want to buy our morals, consciences and ideals with money. But what are we doing?

For example, what are we doing to tell the world that the right is mighty, instead of the mighty being right?

I thought about this after Trump’s statement: It is time for bombard the permanent representatives of the 193 countries who will vote in the UN with messages and say:
“Don’t give in to blackmail.”
It is time to campaign
“We won’t sell Jerusalem for a couple of dollars”
and rally Muslim countries.

It’s such a shame that we don’t have civil organizations, public diplomacy organizations and global media that have the international influence to do that. 

We don’t have any intellectuals, scientists, journalists, or philosophers that have enough influence in the world to publish a manifesto and tell the world that the U.S.’s offer is not in accordance with rationality, science and conscience.

No other administrator of ours except for President Erdoğan is newsworthy.

These are the answers to the question “What are we doing?”

But this should not be the case.

We need to act to achieve what I just mentioned. To expect this from the government is indolence and making things difficult for nothing.   

We can all do something. The only thing we need to do is to take a step.  
#Middle East
#Donald Trump
#Recep Tayyip Erdoğan