US uses new base in Syria’s north to arm PKK

Ersin Çelik
14:1330/06/2018, Saturday
U: 30/06/2018, Saturday
Yeni Şafak
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Two cargo planes loaded with weapons and ammunition were dispatched to a recently completed U.S. military base located 35 kilometers southeast of the Turkish border

The United States, which is preparing to deliver Manbij to the Kurdistan Worker’s Party’s (PKK) Qandil cadre following quasi-efforts to ensure the terror group’s withdrawal from the city, is continuing to arm terrorists in the east of the Euphrates.

The U.S. constructed a new air base in the al-Hasakah province’s town of Tal Baidar, and cargo planes loaded with arms and ammunition for the terror group landed one after another on June27.

The C-130 J special operations aircraft and C-17 transport aircraft loaded with weapons and ammunition were dispatched to the recently completed military base, which is located 35 kilometers southeast of the Turkish border. The construction of the air base’s landing field lasted for one year.

The U.S. has previously sent 2,000 cargo planes carrying arms and ammunition via Iraq’s Erbil to the PKK.

US sets up a new radar base

The U.S. has started to establish a radar base in Tal Baidar, where extraordinary security measures have been taken. Despite U.S. President Donald Trump's call for the withdrawal of American troops from Syria, Washington has continued to construct new military bases in the country’s eastern and northern regions, facilitating its communication via underground channels.

The U.S., which has designated the People’s Protection Units (YPG)-held town of Rmelan as its central position, conducts communication amongst its bases via underground fiber network channels in Kobani, al-Hasakah, Tabqa, Manbij, Tal Abyad, Deir Ezzor and Raqqa. There are 17 U.S. military bases in PKK occupied territories.

The YPG is the armed wing of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which is the Syrian offshoot of the PKK. The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the European Union and the United States.

The U.S has supplied the PKK/PYD terror organization with more than 5,000 truckloads of weapons to allegedly use in the fight against Daesh, despite Ankara’s warnings that the group is the Syrian offshoot of the PKK terror organization.

Washington takes extraordinary precautions to protect PKK-occupied areas

The U.S is taking extraordinary measures to protect military positions in the regions occupied by the PKK, and has banned locals from coming within than five kilometers of the Pentagon’s designated points.

Iraq’s Erbil has been used as the distribution center for the weapons and ammunition provided by the U.S. for the PKK for three years, but recently Tal Baidar and the surrounding towns have become a logistic center for Syria.

Speaking to Yeni Safak daily, Syrian opposition members said it was questionable for the U.S. to dispatch arms to terrorists in an area merely 50 kilometers away from Manbij, where Washington and Ankara are conducting independent but coordinated patrols.

The Manbij deal focuses on the withdrawal of the PKK-affiliated YPG terror group from the city in order to stabilize the region. Under the deal, Turkish and U.S. troops conduct patrols in the area -- six patrols to date.

The opposition members added that the arms shipment shows that preparation that goes far beyond the fight against the Daesh is being made.


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