US provides PKK’s front organization SDF with arms aid

Ersin Çelik
15:272/07/2017, Pazar
U: 2/07/2017, Pazar
Yeni Şafak
​US provides PKK’s front organization SDF with arms aid
​US provides PKK’s front organization SDF with arms aid

Provided with weapons and ammunition aid by the U.S. for more than a year, the SDF is governed directly from Qandil, the PKK terrorist organization’s headquarters

The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)-affiliated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which is often mentioned in U.S.-based statements in reference to the fight against the Daesh terrorist organization, consists of 3,550 terrorists in three separate regions. According to information Yeni Şafak obtained from sources in the area, 3,550 terrorists in Afrin’s east, Manbij and Raqqa fronts receive a salary of $130 dollars the Democratic Union Party (PYD) terrorist organization. Thuwwar al-Raqqa, Jund al-Haramayn and Jaysh al-Thuwwar are the largest groups within the front organization. As part of the SDF terrorist organization, there are 450 terrorists in eastern Azaz, 50 in Manbij, 300 in Ayn Issa- Hmeira, 400 in southern Rasul Ein, and 2,350 in Raqqa.


Weapons and ammunition provided to the SDF, which is a front organization of 2,350 terrorists across Syria, is qualified to equip an army of 50,000. In eight deliveries alone in June, 12,000 Kalashnikovs, 3,000 RPG-7 rockets, 6,000 DShk and BKS automatic rifles, 3,500 23 mm and equivalent heavy machine guns, 100 SPG-7 and AT-4 antitanks, 270 120 mm and 81 mm howitzers, 850 PV-7 night vision glasses, and 270 laser illuminator vision glasses were delivered to the PYD under the name of the SDF. Moreover, 70 armored and 45 personnel carriers were among the aids provided to the Syrian PKK in the same period.


The PYD has 17 large arsenals in Manbij, eastern Jarablus, al-Hasakah, Qamishli, al-Yaarubiyah, Tabqa, Rasul Ein, al-Darbasiyah, Tal Abyad and Raqqa regions. It has been stated that the PKK-PYD, which constructs arsenals by excavating underground tunnels and mountains, hides more than 100,000 automatic weapons. The United States continues its aerial and ground delivery to the PKK through the Iraq-Irbil line.

#United States