US sanctions to cause destructive effect: Senior MP

Ersin Çelik
15:475/11/2018, Monday
U: 5/11/2018, Monday
 Öztürk Yılmaz
Öztürk Yılmaz

Main opposition lawmaker Öztürk Yılmaz says US abuses sovereignty of countries with sanctions

A senior main opposition party lawmaker said on Monday that the U.S. sanctions on Iran would cause a destructive effect.

"The U.S. abuses the sovereignty of countries and chains international bodies," Öztürk Yılmaz, a Republican People's Party (CHP) lawmaker, told reporters at the parliament.

"The single-handed sanctions imposed by the U.S. on Iran without consulting the UN Security Council will cause a destructive effect," said Yılmaz, a lawmaker from eastern Ardahan province.

Yılmaz said: "The U.S. has shown once again that they do not want to obey international rights."

In May, Trump unilaterally withdrew his country from the 2015 landmark nuclear deal signed between Iran and the P5 1 group of nations -- the five permanent UN Security Council members: the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, and France, plus Germany.

He also announced that he would reinstate sanctions against Tehran, which were lifted by the agreement in exchange for tight restrictions on the country's nuclear program.

The U.S. in August re-imposed the first round of economic sanctions on Iran, which mainly target the country’s banking sector.

The second phase of sanctions, targeting Iran’s energy sector, is set to go into effect on Nov. 5.

#Ozturk Yilmaz

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