Will the PKK lay down their arms?

13:0611/02/2015, Wednesday
U: 11/02/2015, Wednesday
Hilal Kaplan

The Resolution Process has completed its second year. In the forthcoming Nawruz in mid-March, Öcalan’s “let the guns be quiet, let the ideas converse” call will be entering its second year also. Then, where do we stand? The government had actualized some reforms like the removal of our national pledge and mother-tongue education in private schools. Following the Wisemen Committee, the public started getting used to the idea of peace. Nowadays, no one is asking, “Why did the government start nego

The Resolution Process has completed its second year. In the forthcoming Nawruz in mid-March, Öcalan’s “let the guns be quiet, let the ideas converse” call will be entering its second year also. Then, where do we stand? The government had actualized some reforms like the removal of our national pledge and mother-tongue education in private schools. Following the Wisemen Committee, the public started getting used to the idea of peace. Nowadays, no one is asking, “Why did the government start negotiations?” Rather, people are asking, “What’s being talked about in the negotiations?” The solution of the problem through political ways had been adopted by the public, thanks to Erdoğan’s political charisma and the trust he gives to the nation.

Also, with Southeast Anatolia being the region where most belief and desire towards the resolution reflect in every survey, it also shows everyone that the local community is open to attempting every way other than the clamp between two weapons. However, the PKK has not yet retreated outside the borders. Under the name of YDG-H, the organization that PKK gave a field to operate by not declaring them as a traitor, it is continuing to spread terror. It’s clear that the trauma produced by the October 6-8 Slaughter had shaken people’s belief in the process. What will be the direction from now on? Deputy Prime Minister, Yalçın Akdoğan’s statements on İskele-Sancak are shedding light on that question. Akdoğan explains the point arrived as follows:

“Some problems are being experienced. Despite those problems and sabotage attempts, the point we arrived at today, the train got back on rail. These are important gains. Now, there is also a negotiation over the procedure and method, and some work is being done over its contents.”

As far as I’ve understood, what’s being implied by the procedure and method is: the HDP committee’s, who is shuttling between İmralı and Qandil, contribution in finalizing the Öcalan negotiation draft and the discussion of this with the government authorities, İmralı visits being handled by the Undersecretariat of Public Security, rather than MİT, thus emphasizing the political resolution of the process, and, attaching importance to talking less to the press and doing duties in tempo.

Akdoğan explains Öcalan’s expectations as follows;

“Öcalan’s message in Nawruz 2013 was: ‘The weapon period is over. Let the guns be quiet and let the ideas talk. These issues can be resolved with democratic politics rather than weapons and terror.” The settlement of this mentality is vital. In other words, a step before disarmament is the acceptance of the idea. At this point, a distance was being covered. However, following the Kobani incidents and regional developments, this paradigm had taken a hit. In other words, the weapons had replaced the idea of disarmament. That is to say; there are many organizations in the region and they are fighting with each other, there are field domination attempts in Syria, Iraq, etc. At this point, different tendencies, like “If there are no weapons, we cannot hold our grip and reach our objective”, started to gain power and this paradigm had actually been shaken. This paradigm has to start regaining power. At this point, eventually, I think that it will be important for Öcalan to pass on a message that is a step ahead of the previous one.”

The expectation from Öcalan is to underline the call for letting ideas speak and declare that the platform to lay down weapons had been provided in Turkey. If this happens, the government will be materializing their answer in the negotiation draft or possibly introduce it within their own frame. However, let us also remind, before Nawruz arrives, that Öcalan has personal requests like; a committee that will be formed of 5 new prisoners.

Akdoğan, as well as stating that there is a place for any opinion and institution in the Resolution Process, is also making an important differentiation:

“However, another leg of the process is the on-going negotiations in İmralı. There are some contacts with the organization, which has weapons, and their components. If the understanding is like “This is a negotiation table, I also want to take my place”, then it will be a grave misunderstanding. There is a meaning behind Öcalan’s Nawruz message. If a President of an Association does this and tells the organization, “Do this and that”, will there be any meaning or effect? No, because it wouldn’t have any effect on them. It’s necessary not to confuse these with each other.”

This emphasis, as well as according all the political groups in the region the right to protest and voice their demands at the point of rights and liberties, is underlining who the primary addressees are to the PKK at the stage of having them lay down weapons.

If PKK, Öcalan and the government reinforce their initiative at the point of laying down arms, taking a clearer stance and accelerating the political steps respectively, then, we might witness the institution of peace within this year.
