Globally renowned Hollywood actor Jason Statham, who is currently in Turkey's Mediterranean tourism hub Antalya to film Guy Ritchie's forthcoming spy thriller “Five Eyes," won the hearts of local tradesmen in Kaleici, the old town of Antalya, as the production company made sure local businesses, which have been hit hard by Covid-19, don't lose extra revenue during road blocks for shooting. (Courtesy: DHA)
Globally renowned Hollywood actor Jason Statham, who is currently in Turkey's Mediterranean tourism hub Antalya to film Guy Ritchie's forthcoming spy thriller “Five Eyes," won the hearts of local tradesmen in Kaleici, the old town of Antalya, as the production company made sure local businesses, which have been hit hard by Covid-19, don't lose extra revenue during road blocks for shooting. (Courtesy: DHA)
Globally renowned Hollywood actor Jason Statham, who is currently in Turkey's Mediterranean tourism hub Antalya to film Guy Ritchie's forthcoming spy thriller “Five Eyes," won the hearts of local tradesmen in Kaleici, the old town of Antalya, as the production company made sure local businesses, which have been hit hard by Covid-19, don't lose extra revenue during road blocks for shooting. (Courtesy: DHA)
Globally renowned Hollywood actor Jason Statham, who is currently in Turkey's Mediterranean tourism hub Antalya to film Guy Ritchie's forthcoming spy thriller “Five Eyes," won the hearts of local tradesmen in Kaleici, the old town of Antalya, as the production company made sure local businesses, which have been hit hard by Covid-19, don't lose extra revenue during road blocks for shooting. (Courtesy: DHA)
Globally renowned Hollywood actor Jason Statham, who is currently in Turkey's Mediterranean tourism hub Antalya to film Guy Ritchie's forthcoming spy thriller “Five Eyes," won the hearts of local tradesmen in Kaleici, the old town of Antalya, as the production company made sure local businesses, which have been hit hard by Covid-19, don't lose extra revenue during road blocks for shooting. (Courtesy: DHA)
Globally renowned Hollywood actor Jason Statham, who is currently in Turkey's Mediterranean tourism hub Antalya to film Guy Ritchie's forthcoming spy thriller “Five Eyes," won the hearts of local tradesmen in Kaleici, the old town of Antalya, as the production company made sure local businesses, which have been hit hard by Covid-19, don't lose extra revenue during road blocks for shooting. (Courtesy: DHA)
Globally renowned Hollywood actor Jason Statham, who is currently in Turkey's Mediterranean tourism hub Antalya to film Guy Ritchie's forthcoming spy thriller “Five Eyes," won the hearts of local tradesmen in Kaleici, the old town of Antalya, as the production company made sure local businesses, which have been hit hard by Covid-19, don't lose extra revenue during road blocks for shooting. (Courtesy: DHA)
Globally renowned Hollywood actor Jason Statham, who is currently in Turkey's Mediterranean tourism hub Antalya to film Guy Ritchie's forthcoming spy thriller “Five Eyes," won the hearts of local tradesmen in Kaleici, the old town of Antalya, as the production company made sure local businesses, which have been hit hard by Covid-19, don't lose extra revenue during road blocks for shooting. (Courtesy: DHA)
Globally renowned Hollywood actor Jason Statham, who is currently in Turkey's Mediterranean tourism hub Antalya to film Guy Ritchie's forthcoming spy thriller “Five Eyes," won the hearts of local tradesmen in Kaleici, the old town of Antalya, as the production company made sure local businesses, which have been hit hard by Covid-19, don't lose extra revenue during road blocks for shooting. (Courtesy: DHA)
Globally renowned Hollywood actor Jason Statham, who is currently in Turkey's Mediterranean tourism hub Antalya to film Guy Ritchie's forthcoming spy thriller “Five Eyes," won the hearts of local tradesmen in Kaleici, the old town of Antalya, as the production company made sure local businesses, which have been hit hard by Covid-19, don't lose extra revenue during road blocks for shooting. (Courtesy: DHA)
Globally renowned Hollywood actor Jason Statham, who is currently in Turkey's Mediterranean tourism hub Antalya to film Guy Ritchie's forthcoming spy thriller “Five Eyes," won the hearts of local tradesmen in Kaleici, the old town of Antalya, as the production company made sure local businesses, which have been hit hard by Covid-19, don't lose extra revenue during road blocks for shooting. (Courtesy: DHA)