Turkish Vice President Oktay hopes project will further develop Türkiye-Sudan relations
Türkiye and Sudan on Friday signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in agriculture and animal husbandry.
"I hope it will be a concrete project for the development of Türkiye-Sudan relations and the development of Sudan. Good luck to both countries," Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay said after the ceremony along with Sudanese Minister of Cabinet Affairs Hussein Osman Elderi in the capital Ankara.
The agreement includes the development of agricultural production, livestock products and processing industry, as well as joint cooperation and increasing bilateral trade.
As part of the agreement, Türkiye will carry out a holistic technical research on irrigation infrastructure for Sudan's mega project Alhawad.
Research will be carried out in coordination with the Turkish Agriculture and Forestry Ministry, and the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources of Sudan.
Within the scope of the Alhawad Project, a pilot farm will be established for seed improvement, development of natural pastures and animal production. Support will also be provided to livestock and agriculture farmers involved.
In the field of energy, activities carried out by the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) in Sudan will be expanded and cooperation strengthened.
Delegations of the two Turkish ministries will visit Sudan in the coming days to begin with the task.