As Turkey’s diplomatic efforts averted catastrophe in Syria’s Idlib, Turkish-made drones are set to play a major role in monitoring the implementation of the agreement brokered with Russia to demilitarize the flashpoint northwestern Syrian region.
According to Defense Industry Researcher Turan Oğuz, unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, will contribute to the peace deal in Idlib as both Turkey and Russia will be monitoring the scene from the air instantaneously in accordance with the agreement reached in Sochi.
“Both ANKA and Bayraktar drones will be vital to the process in Idlib. It will be a huge advantage to monitor the scene from the air 24/7 in a complex region with several hostile groups on the ground. Commanders will be able to receive live images from the air in real-time on their tablets as drones operate over the area.”
Oğuz stated that Turkey will be able to monitor any possible transgression against its soldiers in real-time and will be capable of punishing the assailants instantaneously.
“Our monitoring airpower will be able to gather intelligence and under circumstances where action needs to be taken, targets will be neutralized. Combat drones will be deployed if the rules of engagement between Turkey and Russia allow it.”
Oğuz stressed that Turkey’s domestically-produced drones will be a major advantage when it comes to monitoring the field.
“Due to the fact that we manufacture our own drones, we face no problems when it comes to the number of vehicles we dispatch. In the past, we used to try to accomplish tasks using our limited capabilities. Now we can have 15 drones in the air simultaneously, which allow us to rotate shifts between them, enabling us to monitor the region uninterruptedly.”

The establishment of a joint operations room comprised of soldiers from different countries is a vital matter, explained Oğuz.
Owing to the fact that it produces its own drones, Turkey’s hand will be strengthened both during negotiations and on the field.
Footage captured by drones will be presented as evidence to the other side in the case of any violation, continued Oğuz.
"Turkish and Russian soldiers can manage the process from a joint operations room"
“Both we [Turks] and the Russians will be closely following developments. For that reason, a swap of intelligence and live footage will surely take place. A joint air control center will be established by Turkish and Russian military officials to manage the process. These types of joint spaces are critical for coordination,” concluded Oğuz.
The Turkish and Russian leaders agreed Monday to establish a demilitarized zone in Idlib, Syria’s last opposition stronghold, during a bilateral meeting in Sochi, Russia.
Ankara and Moscow also signed a memorandum of understanding calling for the “stabilization” of Idlib's de-escalation zone, in which acts of aggression are expressly prohibited.
According to the understanding, opposition groups in Idlib will remain in areas in which they are already present, while Russia and Turkey will conduct joint patrols in the area with a view to preventing renewed fighting.