Turkey’s 600-year-old open-air mosque hosts thousands every year in Black Sea

News Service
16:0621/07/2019, Sunday
U: 21/07/2019, Sunday
Yeni Şafak
Turkey's open-air mosque in Black Sea
Turkey's open-air mosque in Black Sea

In between the provinces of Trabzon and Gümüşhane, the mosque is located some 800 meters above sea level on the Kadırga Plateau

Hundreds of worshippers and nature lovers flock to a 557-year-old open-air mosque located in Turkey’s lush green Black Sea region every year.

The mosque is located some 800 meters (feet) above sea level on the Kadırga Plateau in between the provinces of Trabzon and Gümüşhane.

The rectangular-shape mosque surrounded by a 1.5-meter stone wall.

Özkan Pekin, a frequent visitor of the site, said that locals have tried to preserve this tradition for generations.

"This mosque was such a crowded place in the 70s when I was a child, as it is today. It’s God’s gift: whenever we come here to pary, it never rains", he said.

He also said that thousands of tourist from all over the world visit the mosque every year.

#open-air mosque