The United States, submitting the north of Syria to PKK by using Daesh as a pretext, now prepares for an occupation of Idlib under the guise of al-Qaeda, which requires Turkey to take immediate action
The United States and its army, the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) terrorist organization is in a state of frenzy as Turkey prepares for an Afrin operation. Sending more than 1,000 truckloads of ammunition to the terrorist organization, planning to establish a PKK state in the north of Syria, Pentagon prepares for an attack in Idlib, Afrin’s southern neighbor. The U.S. forces gather detailed intelligence regarding the situation of opposition groups in the region, often with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) from its air bases in Ayn al-Arab, Tell Abyad, and Rimeylan. The U.S.’s UAVs that fly incessantly over Idlib, Sarmada, Harem and Jisr al-Shughur records for 24 hours, and forms the final plan for the occupation under the cover of “al-Qaeda.” The U.S, on the other hand, called some of the representatives of opposition groups to İncirlik, which they have been in contact with since 2014 through the Mission Operations Center (MOC). Linked directly to the CIA, these representatives are reported to have given information regarding the locations of the Turkey-backed opposition groups in Idlib.

Ankara attentively follows Pentagon’s new game, which submitted northern Syria to PKK under the cover of Daesh. The Turkish Armed Forces continues its military build-up in the Euphrates Shield region in Afrin’s east, while constantly aiding the groups affiliated to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in Idlib. An important summit was held on Wednesday at Çankaya Palace in Ankara, as the U.S.’s shipment to the PKK, and Turkey’s shipment to the FSA continues. The security meeting was chaired by Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım. Presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalın, Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, National Intelligence Organization (MİT) head Hakan Fidan, and many high-level bureaucrats attended the meeting. According to reports, the summit discussed Turkey’s possible response to the U.S.’s initiation of an occupation in Idlib.
The Afrin-İdlib passageway, which is central to forming a U.S.-based terror corridor, is on the verge of collapse. Panicking after realizing that the Turkish Armed Forces’ Afrin operation is near, Pentagon has hit the red button, and will bomb central Idlib and its surroundings for 15-20 days. After the bombs on Muslims living as refugees in seven large settlements in the region, PKK-affiliated Democratic Union Party (PYD) terrorists will come into play. With a myriad of weapons received from the U.S. under the cover of Daesh in Manbij, Tell Abyad and Raqqa, PKK will target Idlib and receive all forms of aid from U.S. Special Forces.

The United States will send PKK terrorists from Afrin to Idlib in groups, and has found an alternative route for the supply line, which has been cut off due to the Euphrates Shield operation. The U.S. will provide logistical support to terrorists who will conduct a massacre in Idlib through routes that are controlled by the Assad regime. The ammunition to be brought to Kafr Jannah and Bulbul will be delivered to the PKK terrorists. The Rimeylan Air Base in al-Hasakah, and the U.S. military bases in Erbil will be used to support this process. Washington planned to make the delivery to PKK from Menagh Airport, which is located two kilometers away from Azaz, and was occupied by the terrorist organization two years ago. However, this plan was aborted as the relevant region is only seven kilometers away from Turkey’s border.
Turkey is expected to take action against the United States, which on one hand uses al-Qaeda as a pretext by causing chaos through their agents in the region, and on the other hand plans to undermine the Astana process and realize its terror corridor project by PKK/PYD occupying Idlib. Thus, the Turkish Armed Forces need to take full control by launching a large operation with FSA groups in Idlib and Afrin. Unless Turkey launches this operation, the U.S. will strike the region within a week, with missiles launched from battleships in the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as its fighter jets and UAVs positioned at the military air base at the Lebanon border. Whether Ankara will push the red button before the occupant forces will become clear within the next few days.
The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the European Union and the United States.
The PKK has been conducting armed violence in the southeastern part of Turkey since 1984. More than 40,000 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in the three-decade long conflict.

1- The United States failed to pass the west of Euphrates due to Russia and Turkey, and picked Idlib as a target and pretext to be present in the west of Euphrates. The U.S. tries to inaugurate Idlib for an intervention by al-Qaeda, another pawn created under the cover of Daesh in the east of Euphrates. Therefore, Idlib is regarded as the fourth greatest conflict zone after Mosul, Aleppo and Raqqa.
2- The U.S. tries to pull Turkey over to its side, which is involved in the Astana process along with Russia and Iran. The United States has recently resorted to Brett McGurk’s blackmail by accusing Turkey of supporting pro- al-Qaeda groups.
3- Excluded from the Astana process, the U.S. is not in favor of the Astana resolutions being effective in the field, and resorts to every method in sabotaging the process. A great effort is being made to prevent Idlib from becoming a de-escalation zone.
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