The Europeans have long opposed Trump's decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal, but have been threatening for months to trigger the dispute mechanism if Iran did not comply with it.
The dispute mechanism begins a complex diplomatic process that can end with U.N. sanctions on Iran "snapping back" into place, although the Europeans say that is not their aim.
In triggering the dispute mechanism, the European countries said they were not backing a U.S. policy of "maximum pressure" on Iran, and they still hope to salvage the nuclear deal.
The nuclear dispute lies at the heart of Iran's long-running standoff with the West that spiralled into open conflict this month when Washington killed an Iranian general in Baghdad and Tehran responded with missile strikes on U.S. targets in Iraq.
During that period of high alert, Iran shot down a civilian airliner in what it now says was a tragic mistake. This has triggered anti-government protests at home.
Enriched uranium can be used to create material for nuclear warheads. Iran denies Western accusations it wants such weapons and says it wants nuclear material for peaceful purposes.
"We are enriching more uranium than before the deal was reached," President Hassan Rouhani said in a televised speech. "Pressure has increased on Iran but we continue to progress."
U.S. sanctions meanwhile have hammered Iran's economy. Washington aims to reduce its oil exports to zero.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that, if the 2015 pact were scrapped, "let's replace it with the Trump deal".
France said the only way to resolve the crisis between the United States and Iran was for Tehran to accept a broad negotiation and Washington to progressively reduce sanctions.
Iran has repeatedly said it will not talk with sanctions in place, and cannot negotiate with Trump who broke U.S. promises by abandoning the previous deal.