227 PKK terrorists 'neutralized' in SE Turkey in 2018

Ersin Çelik
15:0328/09/2018, Friday
U: 28/09/2018, Friday
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Among them are 7 terrorists on Interior Ministry's most wanted list

At least 227 PKK terrorists were "neutralized" in southeastern Turkey since the beginning of 2018, according to data compiled by Anadolu Agency.

Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply that the terrorists in question either surrendered or were killed or captured.

Among the terrorists neutralized in Diyarbakir, Sirnak, Mardin, Batman, Siirt and Bingol are seven terrorists who were on the Interior Ministry's most wanted listed.

The wanted list is divided into five color-coded categories, with red as the most wanted, followed by blue, green, orange and grey.

In Diyarbakir, Turkish Armed Forces neutralized many terrorists, including senior PKK member Murat Ucer, codenamed Eylul, who was involved in martyring Mardin's Derik District Governor Muhammet Fatih Safiturk and AK Party district chairman Deryan Aktert in 2016.

Eyup Celik, codenamed Demhat Cilo, on the green category; Osman Gulen, codenamed Aram Civan, on the grey category; regional leader Ahmet Dorak, codenamed Sahin, on the grey category; and Deniz Yuksel, codenamed Haki, on the green category, were also neutralized in Diyarbakir.

In Sirnak, a senior operative Kadri Bayram, codenamed Mehmet Goyi; Vehbi Tas -- codenamed Serkeft Siyar -- on the orange category; Yusuf Sungur, codenamed Brusk Cizre and Gazi Bahadir, codenamed Roni, were neutralized.

In Siirt, Adnan Celik -- codenamed Kendal -- on the grey category was neutralized; while Osman Ozonal, codenamed Malik, on the red category was caught alive.

In Bingol, five terrorists were killed in an airstrike on August 15. Among them were Erol Ulucan -- codenamed Yona Dersim, who martyred Sergeant Mustafa Sefa Kok in 2017 and injured another.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU -- has been responsible for the deaths of nearly 40,000 people, including women and children.


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