We are all the product of the British, we are all their captives.
The colonial system in the Middle East was established by the British, and they used the Jews, who were settled as slaves in this system, to attack Muslims. The British paved the way, and the Jews launched their attack.
Thus, the British, according to their ultimate goal, achieved Hitler's project of expelling the Jews from Europe by first settling the Jews in Palestine and then inventing a sick Middle East order that would allow the Jews to erase Palestine from the map.
In the Islamic world, the imperialist and enslaving Middle East order established by the British has dominated the geography of the Ottoman Empire for about a century, since the overthrow or halt of the Ottoman Empire. Because the Ottoman Empire was destroyed, the Islamic world was divided, and the Islamic world created dozens of puppet "tribal states," and the establishment of the state of Israel became possible under these conditions, and in the end, Israel established its hegemony in the region.
This geography is not the Middle East. According to whom and whose Middle East is it? Not according to me/us, of course! According to the British.
The British invented geographical maps to construct our mental maps, and they are still doing so. But first, they changed our theo-political, that is, creedal priorities by determining their geo-political maps, and they are still doing so in an extremely insidious manner, without making any noise...
They determine our orbit with theo-political maps and our direction with geo-political maps.
They have achieved results from all the destruction operations they have carried out against all religions and cultures on the earth; they either fossilized all the religions on which they performed surgery or practically erased them from history. They could not succeed in performing these operations, these surgeries, only on Islam and Muslims.
They developed the Eastern Question for this purpose. First, they wanted to change the theo-political maps of Islam, ruin its authentic sources, turn Muslims into people who are not connected to Allah, and become slaves who bow to imperialist masters. Once this theo-political strategy was successfully implemented, it would be possible to implement geo-political strategies much more easily.
That is why the British first invented Wahhabism two centuries ago, which means rootlessness, to change the founding creedal sources of Islam, degrade the authentic sources of Islam, turn Muslims from people who turned to Allah, turned towards Allah, and surrendered to Him into slaves who bowed to imperialist masters, wanted to do that.
Through Wahhabism, they also created neo-Salafis, which means neo-abolitionists, through terrorism. With the neo-Salafis, they established an anarchic source that would degrade Islam from the inside and, through them, both a form of rebellion that would oppose the Ottoman Empire and an anarchy psychology that would carry the Islamic world to the edge of geo-political and geo-economic chaos and anarchy.
Through neo-Salafis, and from there through terrorist organizations, they left the Islamic world with a psychology of anarchy that had been created by the slaves, which would move the Islamic world to the brink of both theo-political and geo-strategic and geo-economic chaos, anarchy, and division.
The first target of the Eastern Question was to move Islam (as an actor that makes history) away from Islam in this way.
As an inevitable result of this, they started to apply the project of moving the Islamic world away from Islam more easily and comfortably. The collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the abolition of the caliphate, the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, and the removal of the caliphate, which gained meaning and reality with the existence of the Union of Islam, the Islamic world's largest religious and political organization, made it possible for both the state of Israel to be established and for the Islamic world to be divided and dozens of puppet "tribal states" to be created.
After the change and collapse of the theo-political maps of the Islamic world, this was the only way the drawing of the geo-political maps could be carried out much more easily!
Turkish academia is lacking in the depth to see this burning reality and a solid civilization ideal.
This chaotic, peripheral-anarchic Middle East order established by the British through their theo-political strategies must be overthrown. The Middle East must be restructured.
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