Russian atrocity

09:281/05/2015, Friday
U: 1/05/2015, Friday
Hayreddin Karaman

In my piece yesterday, I had talked about European, American and Australian atrocities (occupation, torture, oppression, massacre and assimilation…). I would like to remind you that the British have the largest share of this atrocity. Without any shame, these people approach us and tell us to “recognize the genocide,” adopt unauthorized resolutions and attempt to condemn us. Let me tell you in advance that we will not consent to even the slightest harm unjustly being inflicted on an innocent per

In my piece yesterday, I had talked about European, American and Australian atrocities (occupation, torture, oppression, massacre and assimilation…). I would like to remind you that the British have the largest share of this atrocity.

Without any shame, these people approach us and tell us to “recognize the genocide,” adopt unauthorized resolutions and attempt to condemn us.

Let me tell you in advance that we will not consent to even the slightest harm unjustly being inflicted on an innocent person, as our religion and our national ethics formed around it will never permit such thing.

We are the community of a prophet who told a person ruining a lineup to “come and push him” after the person demanded reprisal for lightly pushing him to his spot.

This community of Muslim believers called the ummah, will never accept it if those amongst us go astray and unjustly wound or kill a person, or a group, and will react against it and prevent it.

I will touch upon the Armenian genocide issue later on. But before that, I would like to remind you about the Russian and Chinese atrocities. The sauciness of these shameless countries is gory as hundreds of thousands of innocent people's blood is shed because of plans and support by China, Russia, the U.S. and Europe, while thousands of people are forced to flee their homelands and perish abroad!

The death toll of communist violence during Lenin and Stalin periods could be summarized as:

Tens of thousands of people and captives who were imprisoned without a trial were executed by gunfire and hundreds of thousands of laborers and peasants who rebelled have been slaughtered;

The deliberate famine of 1922 which resulted in the deaths of 5 million people;

The extermination and deportation of Don Kazahs in 1920;

The execution of tens of thousands of people in concentration camps between 1918 and 1930;

The extermination of around 690,000 people during the Great Purge between 1937 and 1938;

The deportation of 2 million people accused of “spying” between 1930 and 1932.

Standing by to the deliberate famine suffered by six million Ukrainians between 1932 and 1933;

The deportation of hundreds of thousands of Polish, Ukrainian, Baltic, Moldavian and Bessarabians firstly between 1939 and 1941, and later in 1944-1945.

The deportation of Volga Germans in 1941;

The deportation of Crimean Tatars in 1944;

The deportation of Ingushetians in 1944.

On November 14, 1944, 86,000 Meskhetian Turks have been sent into exile to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan based on the orders of Soviet leader Stalin and Beria. Around 17,000 Meskhetian women, children and wounded veterans returning from World War II have lost their lives due to cold, disease and hunger during the duration of the exile which took a month.

According to information on encyclopedias, The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) was established in January 1918. However, rebellion against rigid Bolsheviks continued and turned into a civil war. The Bolsheviks came out victorious from the civil war. The government led by Lenin published a people's manifesto and entitled people to separate from Russia and determine their own fate. Thereupon, all prominent people and a portion of Turks except for the Slavs established their own independent states. However, the Bolsheviks were not so fond of these states when they took control of the situation in Russia. They deployed the Red Army organized by Trotsky to these newly established states and took their sovereignty away one by one.

The Russian atrocities continued at full speed in more recent periods in Afghanistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Caucasia, Crimea and Ukraine, and continue now.

The oppression of some can neither set an example for others, nor can be used as proof to legitimize it; and this is not our intention; however, I would like to say that “those people should look in the mirror first, before opening their mouths about this issue.”

What's next is the Chinese atrocity.
