Black Sea Region Local Election Results 31 March 2024
- Opened ballot boxes
- 11.934 / 11.934
- %100
- Voter Turnout Rate % 79
- Total votes3.492.297
- Total votes2.758.313
- Valid votes2.608.761
- March 31, 19 % 84,7
- March 31, 193.261.874
- March 31, 192.763.952
- March 31, 192.649.014
- Opened ballot boxes
- 11.934 / 11.934
- %100
- Voter Turnout Rate % 79
- Total votes3.492.297
- Total votes2.758.313
- Valid votes2.608.761
- March 31, 19 % 84,7
- March 31, 193.261.874
- March 31, 192.763.952
- March 31, 192.649.014
Winning Parties by Municipality
- City 2024 2019
- City 2024 2019
- City 2024 2019
- Samsun AK Party %42.2 AK Party %47.4
- Ordu AK Party %40.1 AK Party %56.9
- Trabzon AK Party %51.5 AK Party %64.6
- Amasya CHP %43 MHP %47.3
- Artvin CHP %45.2 CHP %51
- Bartın CHP %51.3 MHP %35.8
- Bayburt AK Party %39.1 MHP %56.5
- Bolu CHP %52.9 CHP %52.7
- Çorum AK Party %40.6 AK Party %43.3
- Düzce AK Party %40.2 AK Party %47.1
- Giresun CHP %54.6 AK Party %48.8
- Gümüşhane MHP %41.6 AK Party %49.2
- Karabük AK Party %33.7 MHP %39.8
- Kastamonu CHP %49.2 MHP %49.5
- Ordu AK Party %40.1 AK Party %56.9
- Rize AK Party %54.7 AK Party %73
- Samsun AK Party %42.2 AK Party %47.4
- Sinop CHP %49.4 CHP %56.6
- Tokat MHP %54.9 AK Party %48.8
- Trabzon AK Party %51.5 AK Party %64.6
- Zonguldak CHP %54.5 AK Party %42.5
Number of Municipalities Won by Parties
- Parties 2024 2019 Difference
- Parties 2024 2019 Difference
- AK Party 8 10 -2
- MHP 2 5 -3
- CHP 8 3 +5
- IYI Party 0 0 0 ⚊
- DEM 0 0 0 ⚊
- SP 0 0 0 ⚊
- DSP 0 0 0 ⚊
- BBP 0 0 0 ⚊
- VP 0 0 0 ⚊
- DP 0 0 0 ⚊
- BTP 0 0 0 ⚊
- TKP 0 0 0 ⚊
- Sol Party 0 0 0 ⚊
- Memleket 0 0 0 ⚊
- ANAP 0 0 0 ⚊
- Y.Refah 0 0 0 ⚊
- ABP 0 0 0 ⚊
- Zafer Party 0 0 0 ⚊
- HKP 0 0 0 ⚊
- TKH 0 0 0 ⚊
- Gelecek Party 0 0 0 ⚊
- YTP 0 0 0 ⚊
- EMEP 0 0 0 ⚊
- HÜDA PAR 0 0 0 ⚊
- HAK-PAR 0 0 0 ⚊
- Ocak 0 0 0 ⚊
- AB Party 0 0 0 ⚊
- GBP 0 0 0 ⚊
- Millet 0 0 0 ⚊
- Milli Yol 0 0 0 ⚊
- AP 0 0 0 ⚊
- ADP 0 0 0 ⚊
- TİP 0 0 0 ⚊
- DEVA 0 0 0 ⚊
- Independent 0 0 0 ⚊
- Other 0 0 0 ⚊
All Cities
* Black Sea Of All Cities (18) And display summary of Mayors' Breakdown.
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
Halit Doğan % 100 % 42.2 8 % 0 2 % 27 1 % 14.1 1 % 0.1 % 12.5 Y.Refah 3- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- SAMSUN Halit Doğan % 100 % 42.17 8 % 0 2 % 27.01 1 % 14.12 1 % 0.14 % 12.53 Y.Refah 3
- Samsun (31 Mar 2019) Mustafa Demir % 47.37 13 % 0 2 % 0 1 % 26.67 1 % 0 % 21.05 Independent
Mehmet Hilmi Güler % 100 % 40.1 11 % 0 2 % 16.6 4 % 36.5 1 % 0.1 % 3.8 Y.Refah 1- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- ORDU Mehmet Hilmi Güler % 100 % 40.07 11 % 0 2 % 16.58 4 % 36.53 1 % 0.1 % 3.8 Y.Refah 1
- Ordu (31 Mar 2019) Mehmet Hilmi Güler % 56.93 16 % 0 2 % 15.47 1 % 0 % 0 % 26.14 SP
Ahmet Metin Genç % 100 % 51.5 11 % 0 2 % 28.5 2 % 4.2 1 % 0.2 % 9.1 Y.Refah 1- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- TRABZON Ahmet Metin Genç % 100 % 51.48 11 % 0 2 % 28.46 2 % 4.23 1 % 0.17 % 9.14 Y.Refah 1
- Trabzon (31 Mar 2019) Murat Zorluoğlu % 64.61 13 % 0 2 % 0 1 % 29.53 1 % 0 % 3.26 SP
Turgay Sevindi % 100 % 29 3 % 23 1 % 43 4 % 0.7 % 0.1 % 2.3 Y.Refah- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- AMASYA Turgay Sevindi % 100 % 28.96 3 % 23 1 % 43.03 4 % 0.68 % 0.06 % 2.29 Y.Refah
- Amasya (31 Mar 2019) Mehmet Sarı % 34.21 3 % 47.28 3 % 17.25 2 % 0 % 0 % 0.86 SP
Bilgehan Erdem % 100 % 43.7 3 % 0 % 45.2 6 % 6 % 0.2 % 1.9 Y.Refah- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- ARTVİN Bilgehan Erdem % 100 % 43.74 3 % 0 % 45.22 6 % 6.02 % 0.17 % 1.88 Y.Refah
- Artvin (31 Mar 2019) Demirhan Elçin % 43.24 2 % 0 % 50.96 7 % 0 % 0 % 3.64 Independent
Muhammet Rıza Yalçınkaya % 100 % 0 4 % 36.6 1 % 51.3 3 % 2.7 % 0.2 % 4.6 Y.Refah- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- BARTIN Muhammet Rıza Yalçınkaya % 100 % 0 4 % 36.61 1 % 51.29 3 % 2.71 % 0.2 % 4.62 Y.Refah
- Bartın (31 Mar 2019) Cemal Akın % 35.33 4 % 35.76 3 % 25.44 1 % 0 % 0 % 2.68 SP
Mete Memiş % 100 % 39.1 4 % 37.9 1 % 4.3 % 1.3 % 0.2 % 8 Y.Refah- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- BAYBURT Mete Memiş % 100 % 39.08 4 % 37.88 1 % 4.33 % 1.29 % 0.24 % 8 Y.Refah
- Bayburt (31 Mar 2019) Hükmü Pekmezci % 35.75 2 % 56.49 3 % 1.7 % 2.69 % 0 % 2.95 SP
Tanju Özcan % 100 % 28.8 5 % 12.1 1 % 52.9 6 % 0.9 % 0.6 % 2.2 Y.Refah- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- BOLU Tanju Özcan % 100 % 28.84 5 % 12.13 1 % 52.9 6 % 0.89 % 0.61 % 2.17 Y.Refah
- Bolu (31 Mar 2019) Tanju Özcan % 44.73 5 % 0 2 % 52.71 3 % 0 % 0.22 % 1.58 SP
Halil İbrahim Aşgın % 100 % 40.6 8 % 0 4 % 37 4 % 1.7 % 0.2 % 14.5 Y.Refah- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- ÇORUM Halil İbrahim Aşgın % 100 % 40.55 8 % 0 4 % 36.98 4 % 1.72 % 0.2 % 14.46 Y.Refah
- Çorum (31 Mar 2019) Halil İbrahim Aşgın % 43.28 11 % 16.36 3 % 36.73 1 % 1.9 1 % 0 % 1.17 SP
Faruk Özlü % 100 % 40.2 5 % 4.1 4 % 13.4 1 % 6.1 % 0.6 % 29.8 Y.Refah- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- DÜZCE Faruk Özlü % 100 % 40.22 5 % 4.09 4 % 13.37 1 % 6.13 % 0.59 % 29.77 Y.Refah
- Düzce (31 Mar 2019) Faruk Özlü % 47.14 5 % 21.75 5 % 0 % 27.97 % 0 % 0.92 SP
Fuat Köse % 100 % 37.6 12 % 0 4 % 54.6 5 % 1.3 1 % 0.1 % 2.7 Y.Refah 1- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- GİRESUN Fuat Köse % 100 % 37.62 12 % 0 4 % 54.56 5 % 1.34 1 % 0.06 % 2.66 Y.Refah 1
- Giresun (31 Mar 2019) Aytekin Şenlikoğlu % 48.84 13 % 0 5 % 48.39 4 % 0 % 0 % 1.99 SP 2
Vedat Soner Başer % 100 % 38.2 3 % 41.6 10 % 13.4 % 1.2 % 0.1 % 1.7 Y.Refah- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- GÜMÜŞHANE Vedat Soner Başer % 100 % 38.2 3 % 41.62 10 % 13.36 % 1.24 % 0.14 % 1.67 Y.Refah
- Gümüşhane (31 Mar 2019) Ercan Çimen % 49.16 3 % 30.02 10 % 7.55 % 11.47 % 0 % 1.34 SP
Özkan Çetinkaya % 100 % 33.7 5 % 26.3 1 % 11.1 1 % 1.2 % 0.2 % 22.8 Y.Refah- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- KARABÜK Özkan Çetinkaya % 100 % 33.71 5 % 26.28 1 % 11.09 1 % 1.16 % 0.21 % 22.81 Y.Refah
- Karabük (31 Mar 2019) Rafet Vergili % 38.96 2 % 39.83 4 % 0 1 % 18.09 % 0 % 1.4 SP
Hasan Baltacı % 100 % 36.2 9 % 6.9 8 % 49.2 2 % 0.8 % 0.1 % 3.1 Y.Refah- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- KASTAMONU Hasan Baltacı % 100 % 36.15 9 % 6.9 8 % 49.17 2 % 0.81 % 0.1 % 3.08 Y.Refah
- Kastamonu (31 Mar 2019) Rahmi Galip Vidinlioğlu % 30.89 10 % 49.55 7 % 18.16 3 % 0 % 0 % 0.67 SP
Mehmet Hilmi Güler % 100 % 40.1 11 % 0 2 % 16.6 4 % 36.5 1 % 0.1 % 3.8 Y.Refah 1- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- ORDU Mehmet Hilmi Güler % 100 % 40.07 11 % 0 2 % 16.58 4 % 36.53 1 % 0.1 % 3.8 Y.Refah 1
- Ordu (31 Mar 2019) Mehmet Hilmi Güler % 56.93 16 % 0 2 % 15.47 1 % 0 % 0 % 26.14 SP
Rahmi Metin % 100 % 54.7 13 % 0 2 % 12.1 3 % 6.4 % 0.2 % 17.8 Y.Refah- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- RİZE Rahmi Metin % 100 % 54.7 13 % 0 2 % 12.14 3 % 6.45 % 0.18 % 17.75 Y.Refah
- Rize (31 Mar 2019) Rahmi Metin % 72.99 14 % 0 3 % 13.34 1 % 6.76 % 0 % 5.54 SP
Halit Doğan % 100 % 42.2 8 % 0 2 % 27 1 % 14.1 1 % 0.1 % 12.5 Y.Refah 3- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- SAMSUN Halit Doğan % 100 % 42.17 8 % 0 2 % 27.01 1 % 14.12 1 % 0.14 % 12.53 Y.Refah 3
- Samsun (31 Mar 2019) Mustafa Demir % 47.37 13 % 0 2 % 0 1 % 26.67 1 % 0 % 21.05 Independent
Metin Gürbüz % 100 % 39.4 4 % 0 1 % 49.4 3 % 4.9 % 0.1 % 2.1 Y.Refah 1- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- SİNOP Metin Gürbüz % 100 % 39.41 4 % 0 1 % 49.36 3 % 4.89 % 0.15 % 2.07 Y.Refah 1
- Sinop (31 Mar 2019) Barış Ayhan % 40.49 7 % 0 % 56.63 2 % 0 % 0 % 1.04 SP
Mehmet Kemal Yazıcıoğlu % 100 % 30.2 14 % 54.9 16 % 9.4 7 % 1.3 % 0.1 % 1.9 Y.Refah 1- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- TOKAT Mehmet Kemal Yazıcıoğlu % 100 % 30.18 14 % 54.86 16 % 9.36 7 % 1.29 % 0.12 % 1.86 Y.Refah 1
- Tokat (31 Mar 2019) Eyüp Eroğlu % 48.8 19 % 28.02 11 % 0 7 % 20.46 % 0 % 2.09 SP
Ahmet Metin Genç % 100 % 51.5 11 % 0 2 % 28.5 2 % 4.2 1 % 0.2 % 9.1 Y.Refah 1- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- TRABZON Ahmet Metin Genç % 100 % 51.48 11 % 0 2 % 28.46 2 % 4.23 1 % 0.17 % 9.14 Y.Refah 1
- Trabzon (31 Mar 2019) Murat Zorluoğlu % 64.61 13 % 0 2 % 0 1 % 29.53 1 % 0 % 3.26 SP
Tahsin Erdem % 100 % 37.6 10 % 0 2 % 54.5 12 % 0.9 1 % 0.1 % 2.8 Y.Refah- 2019 Local Elections Election results by province
- City Winning candidate Ballot Box AK Party MHP CHP IYI Party DEM Other
- ZONGULDAK Tahsin Erdem % 100 % 37.6 10 % 0 2 % 54.52 12 % 0.88 1 % 0.11 % 2.78 Y.Refah
- Zonguldak (31 Mar 2019) Ömer Selim Alan % 42.52 13 % 15.08 % 39.18 11 % 0 1 % 0 % 1.94 SP
Information from official institutions or sources could not be obtained regarding provinces or districts marked with a hyphen (-).
Detailed Black Sea Region Election Results
- Opened ballot boxes
- 11.934 / 11.934
- %100
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The local election results for Black Sea on 31 March 2024, will be broadcast live on the Yeni Şafak election page. The 2024 Black Sea election results will be swiftly and reliably updated based on turnout rates, number of voters, votes cast, valid votes, and polling station opening rates.
The 31 March 2024 local election results will be rapidly updated live, with information on the number of polling stations opened in the region, valid vote counts, vote percentages, turnout rates, total number of voters, votes cast, valid votes, and invalid votes. You can easily access party and alliance vote percentages on a map of Türkiye. Find out the 2024 election results for Black Sea now.