
US asks Israel not to carry out intelligence operations against Iran

Israeli intelligence chief will escort defense minister next week during visit to Washington to coordinate efforts over Iran

14:16 - 3/12/2021 Friday
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Israeli media on Friday revealed that the US requested Tel Aviv not to execute any intelligence operations against Iran during the ongoing talks between the world powers and Iran over its nuclear program.

The Israeli daily Yediot Ahronoth said Washington sent high-level messages to top Israeli security officials that it opposes any secret operations by Israel's intelligence service Mossad against Iran while the negotiations are taking place and in order not to break chances for the negotiations' success.

It also said Mossad chief David Barnea is escorting Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz during his visit to Washington next week to coordinate efforts with the US side over Iran.

Earlier on Thursday, Barnea said Mossad will take any action needed to prevent Iran's possession of nuclear weapons.

"Iran will not have nuclear weapons, not in the coming years, not ever. That is my promise, that is Mossad's promise," the Yediot Ahronoth quoted Barnea as saying.

Barnea added that no country is in need of uranium enrichment to a level of 60% except for military purposes, in reference to Tehran's nuclear capability.

Following a five-month break, Iran and world powers on Monday kicked off talks in Vienna in a last-ditch attempt to restore the 2015 nuclear accord that the former US President Donald Trump's administration withdrew from in May 2018.

* Writing by Ahmed Asmar in Ankara

3 years ago