UAE targets Turkey over its increasing regional influence

Ersin Çelik
13:3813/04/2018, Friday
U: 13/04/2018, Friday
Yeni Şafak
UAE ties in terror and chaos
UAE ties in terror and chaos

The UAE has engaged in various ploys such as funding FETÖ to stage a coup in Turkey and secessionists in Somalia to bolster its regional influence

In recent years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which has been spreading terrorism with the United States and Israel, has taken a different direction after the Twin Towers attack on Sept. 11, 2001. The fact that two of the terrorists who carried out the attack were UAE citizens and that they entered the U.S. via Abu Dhabi had shifted attention to the country.

The UAE changed its security and intelligence structure following this and received great support from the CIA, soon becoming one of the biggest financers of terrorism.

UAE disturbed by Turkey’s regional influence

The UAE, being disturbed by Turkey’s strong ties with its neighbors, African countries and the geography spanning from the Syria-Iraq axis to the Balkans, has become a tool used by Western powers in projects aiming to harm Turkey. Abu Dhabi provided great financial backing for Turkey’s failed July 15 coup perpetrated by the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ).

Abu Dhabi has played a leading role in the boycott against Qatar because it is also disturbed by Turkey’s relations with Doha which have improved since the blockade.

The UAE has invested greatly into news sites that propagate anti-Turkey propaganda. UAE news sites that conduct covert perception operations continue to transmit misinformation about Turkey and regional developments. Members of FETÖ’s media structure and figures closely linked to the U.S. are employed by these sites.

Abu Dhabi has sought to harm Turkey domestically and internationally by interfering in Turkey’s spheres of influence abroad.

Blackwater members in Syria trained in the UAE

UAE is also one of the biggest perpetrators in the atrocities in Syria. Mercenaries working for the American private military company Blackwater entered Syria. Hundreds of these paid soldiers entered the field before Turkish troops mobilized in the region. The UAE trained the Blackwater soldiers.

In 2010, hundreds of Colombian terrorists landed in Abu Dhabi and were taken to a camp close to the city. At the time, Blackwater was run by its founder Navy SEAL officer Erik Prince, whose close ties to former UAE President Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan had been blasted across the media.

Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT) revealed that the U.S. had two separate training camps for the PKK/YPG in Syria.

“There are three training camps for the PKK/YPG in the region under the control of the U.S., and approximately 2,500 U.S. Special Forces personnel in these regions,” the Syrian regime had said, verifying Turkey’s intelligence, proving that the UAE funded terrorism and armed terrorists during this period.

UAE worried by Turkey’s Afrin operation

The UAE constantly spread black propaganda during Turkey’s Operation Olive Branch in Syria’s northwestern Afrin. A site based in the U.K. which is backed by the UAE tried to rally the international community against Turkey.

The UAE poured millions of euros into the site for it to publish fake news and spread these on social media. The success of Turkey’s ongoing operation which was launched to clear terrorists from the region, however, has rendered these efforts futile.

Somalia seizes UAE cash

Somalia seized $9.6 million on Sunday from a UAE Royal Jet airlines carrier that landed in Mogadishu from Abu Dhabi. The seizing of the money stashed in three unmarked bags caused an hours-long standoff between airport officials and UAE embassy staff in Mogadishu.
