Saudi Arabia executed Indonesian worker: Rights group

Ersin Çelik
15:0830/10/2018, Tuesday
U: 30/10/2018, Tuesday
A Saudi flag flutters atop Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.
A Saudi flag flutters atop Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.

Migrant Care urges Indonesian government to take diplomatic steps to protest Saudi move

Advocacy group Migrant Care reported on Tuesday that Saudi Arabia executed a death row Indonesian domestic worker without giving any consular notification.

Quoting the Indonesian Foreign Ministry, Wahyu Susilo, executive director of the group, said the ambassador in Saudi Arabia did not get any notification.

He said the Saudi move to secretly execute Tuti Tursilawati is an attempt to cover up various human rights violations, especially the right to life.

"Migrant Care urges the Indonesian government to take significant diplomatic steps to protest [against] Saudi Arabia," he added.

In a meeting with the Saudi foreign minister last week, President Joko Widodo asked Riyadh to protect the rights of Indonesian migrant workers.

The Indonesian government is yet to respond to the execution.

Tursilawati left for Saudi Arabia in 2009 to seek a better life. She worked as a nurse for a family in the western city of Ta'if.

In 2010 she was sentenced to death for killing her employer which she claimed was done in self defense to protect herself from sexual abuse.

#Labor advocacy agency
#Migrant Care
#Saudi Arabia
#Tuti Tursilawati

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