Kremlin spokesman Peskov says attempted coup 'Germany's internal problems'
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday "there can be no question" about Russia's involvement in the coup plot in Germany.
"These are rather internal problems of Germany, and they themselves state that there can be no question of any Russian involvement.
"We learned about it from media reports. We have nothing to say about it," Peskov said at a press briefing in Moscow.
The German Federal Prosecutor's Office announced on Wednesday that a group within the far-right Reichsbuerger Movement is said to have planned a coup.
One of the suspects was identified as Russian citizen Vitalia B., and the prosecutors have alleged that the group had contacted Russian diplomats in Germany to discuss their views on a new order.
According to the Federal Prosecutor's Office, the suspects adhered to a “conglomerate of conspiracy theories,” including elements from the US’ QAnon conspiracy and Reichsburger movement.
The members of the Reichsburger movement are groups and individuals who reject the legitimacy of the Federal Republic of Germany and its legal system for various motives and believe that it is still occupied by the Allied powers.
Many refuse to pay taxes and they are often in conflict with authorities. Germany’s domestic intelligence agency estimates that the scene has around 21,000 followers.