
Gazans celebrate Erdoğan election victory near border with Israel

The group chanted slogans praising President Erdoğan as they protested against Israeli oppression during Friday’s million-man demonstrations near the border

Ersin Çelik
11:43 - 30/06/2018 Cumartesi
Update: 12:47 - 30/06/2018 Cumartesi
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​Gazans celebrate Erdoğan election victory near border with Israel
​Gazans celebrate Erdoğan election victory near border with Israel

A group of Palestinians brandishing Turkish flags and portraits of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan celebrated his victory in the June 24 elections near the Gaza border with Israel on Friday.

The group chanted slogans praising President Erdoğan as they protested against Israeli oppression during Friday’s million-man demonstrations near the border.

Twenty-year-old Palestinian Amin Saleem said he takes pride in the victory of President Erdoğan, who supports Gaza and the Palestinian people.

“I love Erdoğan so much for his position on the Palestinian issue. We appreciate it. We and the Turks are united against Israeli oppression that murders us and slaughters our children.”

Erdoğan’s victory in the June 24 elections has triggered jubilance across the blockaded Gaza Strip.

Palestinian artist Bahaa al Haribi drew a portrait of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to celebrate his presidential election success near Israel-Gaza border in Khan Yunis.

Turkey has been a staunch supporter of the Palestinian people and has provided millions of dollars in aid to support the Israel-blockaded Gaza Strip.

Notably, many Palestinians in Gaza have named their children after the Turkish leader as a way of showing appreciation of his support for the seaside enclave.

Recently, Turkey has received a number of Gazans, injured by Israeli army fire during anti-occupation protests, to be treated at Turkish hospitals.

Erdoğan won an absolute majority in Turkey’s presidential election on Sunday, according to the country’s Supreme Election Council (YSK).

#June 24
6 yıl önce