Nearly 70 proposals are presented in European Commission for single market
The European single market needs to be evolved to show all potential in the digital era, the European Commission said on Thursday.
"Today, deeper integration requires more political courage and commitment than 25 years ago," it said in a press release.
The single market, established in 1993, allows European citizens to trade, travel, work, live or study freely, in all Europe area.
67 proposals have presented in the commission to function the single market properly, the press release said.
"This includes relevant proposals to integrate digitization and new technologies at the core of the Single Market, to ensure more secure and sustainable energy in Europe, and to build the Capital Markets Union," it added.
Jyrki Katainen, vice-president in charge of jobs, growth, investment, and competitiveness in the European Commission said: "The Single Market is a unique asset to preserve and boost our continent's standing, values, and influence in the world."
Elżbieta Bieńkowska, the commissioner for the internal market, industry, entrepreneurship, and SMEs, underlined that the single market provided freedom, opportunities, and prosperities.
"As we are resisting protectionism outside the EU, we should resist fragmentation inside the EU," she said.
"We need to continuously uphold our Single Market to preserve our best asset for future generations," she added.