
Don't sleep, stop this massacre!

As the people of Aleppo are massacred by the regime and the Shi'ite militia, Lina broadcasted the voice of civilians broadcasted to the world. “We are facing genocide as Halep is under siege. This could be my last video. I'm calling out to the people of the world, don't sleep! You can do something! Protest! Stop this massacre!” said Lina

Ersin Çelik
17:25 - 13/12/2016 Salı
Update: 17:39 - 13/12/2016 Salı
Yeni Şafak

Aleppo has become a massacre ground for Syria's Assad regime and the Shi'ite militia under Iran's command. “We are facing genocide as Halep is under siege. This could be my last video," said activist Lina el-Shami as she called the world to action.

Shami recorded the video in the region where regime forces have attacked tens of thousands of civilians and forced them to crowd into six square kilometers of land in an attempt to overcome the lack of global attention.

The video was posted as the Iran-backed militia captured Aleppo last night and massacred civilians.

“I'm calling out to everyone who can hear me! We are facing genocide as Aleppo is under siege. This could be my last video. More than 50,000 people who rebelled against the dictator Assad have been executed or are under threat of being bombarded with shells. According to activists, more than 180 people have been executed in the regions where the regime forces and militia have taken control. Civilians have crowded into less than 2 square kilometers of land. There is no chance for safety or life here! Every new bomb is a new massacre. Save Aleppo, save humanity!" said Shami.

'Thousands of civilians could die'

In a voice recording sent to Anadolu Agency, Shami says that Assad does not shy away from using chemical weapons against civilians.

Shami states that war planes dropped chlorine gas vats across the towns of Firdevs and Bustan el-Kasr, and that humanitarian conditions in regime occupied areas are concerning. Food sources are depleted, fuel and medicine depos are emptied and the situation is worsening by the hour, says Shami.

“Regime forces are advancing on civilian towns, and many fleeing civilians have no home in the areas under siege; thus, the population has greatly increased," said Shami, pointing out that continued bombardment and attacks in overpopulated areas could cause thousands of civilians to die.

“The bombardment and attacks have not stopped, the bombs have been falling like rain since the early hours of the morning. The airstrikes were followed by attempts by the regime and the supporting militia to take over the area," said Shami.

'I'm calling out to the people of the world, don't sleep! You can do something! Protest! Stop this massacre!'

Activist Shami used the #SaveAleppo and #Savehumanity hashtags in an attempt to bring international attention to the Aleppo massacre.

“I'm calling out to the people of the world, don't sleep! You can do something! Protest! Stop this massacre!" said Shami, as she invited the public to take action and organize sitting protests in front of the Syrian, Russian and Iranian consulates.

Since November 15, the number of civilians massacred by the regime rose from 991 to 1,071 yesterday, following the four children and nine women burned to death and 67 men executed by a firing squad.

#Middle East
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