Election MHP Election Promises 14 May 2023 | AK Party Election Manifesto

MHP Election Manifesto

MHP has announced its election manifesto for the Presidential and 27th Term Parliamentary Elections on June 24. The manifesto, titled "National Revival, Glorious Rise", emphasizes "Strong MHP, Strong Türkiye" for the new era. The manifesto includes the justifications and goals of the Presidential Government System and the People's Alliance, as well as MHP's commitments. Moreover, the manifesto conveys MHP's policies, which include "smart state and public administration," "justice," "fighting corruption," "versatile and multidimensional foreign policy," "industrialization and SMEs," among other topics, with a focus on social solidarity and consensus as well as core principles and views. The manifesto lists the commitments achieved during the 26th legislative term and the goals set for the 27th legislative term. Notably, the manifesto highlights commitments related to the economy and the labor force, as well as commitments to the families of martyrs and veterans and women. The election manifesto prepared for the Presidential and 27th Term Parliamentary Election on June 24th by the MHP (Nationalist Movement Party) has been announced. The manifesto, titled "National Revival, Glorious Rise," emphasizes a strong MHP and a strong Türkiye in the new era. The Presidency Government System, the rationale and goals of the People's Alliance, and MHP's commitments are included in the manifesto. Furthermore, the manifesto includes MHP's policies, which cover the basic principles and views of social solidarity and consensus. MHP's policies are presented under headings such as "smart state and public administration," "justice," "fighting against corruption," "versatile and multidimensional foreign policy," "industrialization and SMEs." COMMITMENTS The manifesto includes commitments that were made during the 26th legislative period and those targeted for the 27th legislative period. In this context, commitments related to the economy and labor, as well as promises made to the families of martyrs and veterans, and women, stand out. Some promises included in the manifesto are as follows: - Structural reforms required by the economy will be implemented rapidly. - Citizens will be rescued from the poverty trap caused by consumer loans and credit cards. - Tax and premium burdens on tradespeople and farmers will be reduced. Tradespeople and artisans will be given the right to borrow from their past services. - The shopping mall law will be reorganized to protect tradespeople. Measures will be taken against shopping malls and chain stores that destroy tradespeople, and municipal management that negatively affects tradespeople's competitiveness will be reorganized. - Internship and apprenticeship periods will be counted towards retirement service. - Tax-free fuel will be provided to tradespeople engaged in cargo and passenger transportation. - The right to depreciation pay will be given to drivers. - Taxes on diesel fuel used by farmers will be removed. No VAT will be charged on electricity used in irrigation and agricultural enterprises, and the tax burden on inputs such as seeds, seedlings, and medicine will be reduced. “No taxes will be levied on minimum wage” The manifesto emphasizes that no taxes will be levied on the minimum wage and that the income of employees will be tax-exempt up to the amount of the minimum wage. The manifesto also states that the working conditions and personal rights of security personnel will be improved, the additional coefficient of university graduate police officers will be raised to 3600, and overtime pay will be provided for those who work over 40 hours per week. In the manifesto, it is promised that all specialist sergeants will be included in the staff and their financial and social rights will be improved. It is stated that subcontracted workers who cannot get a staff position in the public sector, those who work as 4/B, deputy, contractual, honorary, and temporary employees will be transferred to the staff. According to the manifesto, all additional payments of public employees will be reflected in their retirement pensions, and engineers' personal rights will be improved. The manifesto also stated that fatigue allowance would be given to healthcare workers, and those who work in auxiliary services will be transferred to the general administrative services class. The manifesto also promises to provide associate degree graduates with the opportunity to complete their undergraduate degree, abolish university entrance exams, and improve the personal rights of court officers, clerks, and other justice workers. PROMISES FOR DISABLED, MARTYR, AND VETERAN RELATIVES The promises for disabled, martyr, and veteran relatives in the manifesto include the following: "- Disability and disability dependent pensions will be increased, and in the payment of disability pensions, their own income will be taken into account instead of family income. - Those who are disabled from birth or before entering employment will be entitled to disability benefits. - Veterans will be granted the right to retire after 3600 days of service. - The personal rights of military and police disability pensioners will be improved. - Arrangements will be made to address the grievances of veterans who are not considered disabled. - The honorary pension paid to combat veterans will be paid at the same rate to all combat veterans, regardless of income. - All children of martyrs will be given employment opportunities. The salary of martyrs' parents will be increased. - Second employment opportunities and tax-exempt vehicle options will be provided for veterans. - The additional coefficient of teachers will be increased to 3600, and their working conditions will be improved. - New positions will be created to ensure the gradual appointment of all unemployed teachers." The manifesto also stated that half of the minimum wage would be provided as family support to one person from each unemployed family, and the families of unemployed young people would benefit from health insurance. The manifesto also promises that military service will be counted towards retirement without paying premiums, inequalities in retirement pensions will be eliminated, welfare payments will be increased, the grievances of those who face obstacles to retirement will be addressed, women will be granted the right to borrow for childbirth before they become insured, and the employment of auxiliary health personnel will be expanded in the public and private sectors to improve the quality of healthcare services. It was announced that work will be carried out to enact the necessary laws to increase penalties for crimes against women and children within the framework of preventing violence against women and child abuse, providing legal aid support, and abolishing the statute of limitations in prosecuting these crimes. In the manifesto, it was stated that efforts will continue to be made to grant amnesty to victims of fate who have established freedom behind iron bars, counting days in prison, and longing for their loved ones and supporters, except for terrorist PKK and FETÖ members, other terrorists, child abusers, rapists, and women killers. “Building a Powerful Türkiye” The construction of a powerful Türkiye was evaluated to be possible through the strengthening of the national unity spirit and a focus on the nation's core values, in order to overcome the problems that Türkiye faces and to withstand global challenges, in the manifesto. The manifesto emphasized that the MHP's long-term strategic goal is for Türkiye to achieve the status of "Global Power and Leading Country" in 2053, and it was noted that Türkiye's natural and human resources, as well as its economic, social, and technological opportunities and capabilities, need to be put into action, and determination must be demonstrated in the strongest possible way to achieve this goal.