UK 'deeply concerned' about Rohingya repatriation plans

Ersin Çelik
10:2615/11/2018, Thursday
U: 15/11/2018, Thursday
A Rohingya refugee woman smiles as she plays with her infant at the Balukhali camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, November 15, 2018
A Rohingya refugee woman smiles as she plays with her infant at the Balukhali camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, November 15, 2018

British Minister for Asia and Pacific says violence, impunity persist in Rakhine as refugees continue to flee Myanmar

A senior British minister said Wednesday he is “deeply concerned” about plans to begin the repatriation of Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh to Myanmar.

Rohingya refugees who fled Myanmar because of atrocities by the military should be able to return voluntarily in a safe and dignified way, Minister for Asia and Pacific Mark Field said in a statement.

“I am deeply concerned by the plans to begin repatriation of Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh to Burma [Myanmar] in the coming days,“ Field said. “The United Nations and other international organizations have been clear that conditions for the Rohingya to return to Burma have not yet been met.”

“Violence and impunity persist in Rakhine and refugees continue to flee Burma,” he said.

Bangladesh sent troops into Rohingya camps in Cox's Bazar as forced repatriation to Myanmar fuels fear among refugees, the Guardian newspaper reported Wednesday.

The repatriation of more than 2,200 Rohingya refugees to Myanmar will begin Nov. 15, amid claims by Bangladesh it is voluntary.

Refugees, however, told the Guardian that many Rohingya families have gone into hiding.

UN Human Rights chief Michelle Bachelet on Tuesday urged Bangladesh to halt repatriation plans because it would put the lives of refugees at stake and violate international law.

Underlining “the UK has consistently emphasized that the repatriation of any Rohingya refugees to Burma must be voluntary, safe, dignified, sustainable and uphold their human rights,” Field said, along with many other nations, “the UK recognizes the way that the people of Bangladesh and the government of Bangladesh have handled one of the biggest humanitarian crises of our time, despite the great hardships this has placed on their own people.”

He demanded a guarantee from Myanmar for necessary safeguards of the Rohinya minority.

“We call on the Governments of Bangladesh and Burma to uphold the internationally recognized principles of voluntary, safe and dignified return, and urge the Government of Burma to guarantee the necessary safeguards for and protection of any returning Rohingya refugees,” Field said.

“Ensuring safe freedom of movement, equal rights, access to health and education services, as well as citizenship for all Rohingya is essential,” he said. “We continue to call on the Government of Burma to grant full and unimpeded access for UN and international organizations, as well as international observers, to monitor and assess any future repatriation efforts.”

The Rohingya, described by the UN as the world's most persecuted people, have faced heightened fears of attack since dozens were killed in communal violence in 2012.

Since Aug. 25, 2017, nearly 24,000 Rohingya Muslims have been killed by Myanmar’s state forces, according to a report by the Ontario International Development Agency (OIDA).

More than 34,000 Rohingya were also thrown into fires, while over 114,000 others were beaten, said the OIDA report, titled "Forced Migration of Rohingya: The Untold Experience."

Some 18,000 Rohingya women and girls were raped by Myanmar’s army and police and over 115,000 Rohingya homes were burned down and 113,000 others vandalized, it added.

According to Amnesty International, more than 750,000 Rohingya refugees, mostly children, and women, fled Myanmar and crossed into neighboring Bangladesh after Myanmar forces launched a crackdown on the minority Muslim community in August 2017.

The UN has documented mass gang rapes, killings -- including of infants and young children -- brutal beatings, and disappearances committed by Myanmar state forces. In a report, UN investigators said such violations may have constituted crimes against humanity.

#Rohingya Muslim refugees
#British Minister

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