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Turkish honey sweetens mouths in 45 countries

News Service
13:0022/01/2020, Wednesday
U: 22/01/2020, Wednesday
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Turkey reaps $24.8 million income from 5,500 tons of honey exports last year

Turkey exported honey to 45 different countries in 2019, including Germany, the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Oman.

Turkey earned revenues of $24.8 million from its honey exports, which reached 5,548 tons last year according to data compiled by Anadolu Agency from the Eastern Black Sea Exporters Association (DKIB).

Germany was the top market for Turkish honey with $8.8 million, followed by the U.S. with $4.3 million, Saudi Arabia with $3 million, Kuwait with $1.5 million and Oman with $775,261.

Ahmet Hamdi Gurdogan, deputy head of the exporters' group, pointed out the increasing demand for Turkish honey abroad.

"Our honey exports improved year by year, thanks to brand and geographical sign registrations," he said.

#Eastern Black Sea Exporters Association
#honey export
#Turkish honey

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