
Russia makes surprising offer to Türkiye on maritime collaboration

The Moscow administration states its readiness to establish a partnership with Ankara in maritime endeavors. A Russian official's announcement highlights ongoing discussions between Russia and Türkiye in various domains.

Yenişafak English
17:32 - 16/08/2023 Çarşamba
Update: 17:44 - 16/08/2023 Çarşamba
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The Russian government has expressed its interest in forging a partnership with Türkiye in the realm of maritime activities. The announcement came from the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSVTS), with its Director, Dmitriy Shugayev, indicating the multifaceted nature of the propositions on the table.

Prepared for collaboration with Türkiye

In his disclosure, Shugayev emphasized Russia's substantial offerings in the maritime sector and expressed a readiness for cooperative endeavors with Türkiye in this field. Nonetheless, it is too early to engage in conversations regarding particular undertakings concerning military-technical cooperation within the maritime sphere at this moment. Shugayev's comments were delivered as part of the "Army-2023 Forum" proceedings. As reported by TASS, Dmitriy Shugayev noted that discussions between Russia and Türkiye encompass a range of aspects within military-technical cooperation.

Global attention on Russia's defense forum

Taking place from August 14 to 20 in Russia, the International Army-2023 Military-Technical Forum serves as a significant event in the defense industry calendar. The exhibition and business program of the forum boasts the participation of around 1,500 notable Russian defense sector enterprises, alongside 85 foreign companies and organizations hailing from 7 different nations. Spearheaded by the Russian Ministry of Defense, this forum stands as a platform for showcasing advancements, fostering collaboration, and facilitating discourse within the realm of military technology and innovation.

#maritime agreement
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