
President Erdogan signals constitutional reform for Türkiye

Recep Tayyip Erdogan stresses need for significant constitutional reform, outlines vision for future justice system in Türkiye

16:33 - 2/09/2024 Monday
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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called Monday for comprehensive constitutional reform, asserting that the time has come for Türkiye to move beyond its "current constitution."

"As a party, as the People's Alliance, and as the executive branch, we are sincere and determined in this matter," Erdogan said during his speech at the opening ceremony of "The Judicial Year 2024-2025" in the capital Ankara.

He also emphasized the government's commitment to preparing a new constitution that will guide the country into the future "without making any distinctions."

Additionally, Erdogan warned against the rise of hate and divisive politics, urging political actors to recognize that such strategies "do not benefit our democracy or our nation," and called for a shift towards more constructive political discourse.

Discussing the judicial priorities of his administration, Erdogan highlighted the importance of a “predictable, and solution-oriented justice system” that operates within "reasonable timeframes.”

He noted that these elements will be a key focus moving forward.

Erdogan also underscored his administration's commitment to upholding the rule of law, declaring: "We have not and will not allow those who try to replace the principle of the rule of law with the law of the powerful."

The president's remarks are part of a broader effort to shape the "Century of Türkiye," a vision he describes as centered on the rule of law and a justice system that is fair, trustworthy, and efficient.

#Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
#Century of Türkiye
#judicial year
#Judicial Year 2024-2025
#People's Alliance
#Recep Tayyip Erdogan
#Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
13 days ago