We must deal with this terrorist group without mercy, Turkish President says
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Turkish authorities will fight the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) without mercy.
“We must deal with this terrorist group without mercy. But of course, we will do it within the framework of law and justice," Erdoğan told journalists on his return journey from official visits to Pakistan and Uzbekistan.
FETÖ, a terrorist group led by U.S.-based cult leader Fetullah Gülen, has been attempting to overthrow the Turkish government on several occasions in the last three years as they staged their latest attack on Turkish democracy by attempting a deadly coup on July 15, 2016.
More than 240 people have been martyred and some 2,200 others were wounded on the coup night as FETÖ elements within the Turkish mlitary used tanks, combat helicopters and fighter jets to attack the civilians who had protested the coup attempt.
“Criminals should pay for their deeds," Erdoğan said adding that around 100,000 people were discharged from their job after investigators discovered their links with FETÖ, and the figure will further increase.
“The law will do whatever is necessary. We cannot stop it."
Erdoğan slammed the Western states that attempted to defend the terrorist group, FETÖ, and made statements against the actions taken by Ankara following the coup.
“You cannot interfere in our internal laws," Erdoğan said.
While answering a question about some military officials who wanted asylum form NATO, Erdoğan said their numbers were not so high and the Turkish authority was working on the issue.
He also spoke on the presidential system and constitutional reform that is expected to be brought to Parliament soon.
“Now, two parties' leaders have come together. We know that a commission consisting of the members of both parties would work on the draft of the new constitution text. Following their works, the two leaders will meet again and make a final decision."
Erdoğan said that if Parliament is unable to get the super majority vote, 367 of 550 members, the constitutional reform would go to a referendum.
“This issue would be concluded with the decision of nation," Erdoğan said.
While speaking on the normalization process with Russia, the president said the process is going as expected.
“Our prime minister will visit Russia between Nov. 5 and Nov. 6. Then a High-level Strategic Council meeting will be held in the first quarter of 2017," he added.
President Erdoğan said he hopes there will be a positive development in t U.S. along with new President-elect Donald Trump.
“Because the new administration's interest policies are the same as ours."
Erdoğan said he could visit Washington in December.
“There is possibility of attending the U.S. Muslims annual convention in Chicago. If the visit is organized, I could meet with Mr. Trump," Erdoğan said.
On Turkey's EU accession process, the president said that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) could be an option for Turkey against the European bloc.
“Turkey is not obliged to the EU," said Erdoğan adding that Turkey should feel relaxed about EU accession talks.
In an earlier remark Erdoğan said that Turkey waited 53 years to enter the EU and now it is time for a final decision to be made, also stressing that EU accession talks could be put to a referendum by the end of the year in Turkey.
Referring to the U.K.'s Brexit vote, Erdoğan noted that the EU is currently shrinking and Ankara should not forget that there are alternatives to the bloc.
“Brexit was a nice synchronicity. The same voices are coming from France and Italy," Erdoğan added.
Erdoğan said he had already discussed the idea of Turkish involvement in the SCO with Russian President Vladimir Putin and with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev.
The SCO, also known as the Shanghai Pact is a Eurasian political, economic and military organization that was founded in 2001 in Shanghai by China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
On his return flight, Erdoğan praised Turkey's Albayrak holding for its contribution to transportation in sister country Pakistan.
Albayrak holding has been launching a metrobus line to solve the transportation problem in Lahore and Rawalpindi along with local governments.
“I hope this initiative will continue, spreading to other cities. They might launch a metrobus project to Kashmir ... The metrobus line was completed in a very short time. Around 130 million passengers are using the metrobus annually. This is a huge number. They [Pakistanis] are very happy. They thank us for this opportunity," Erdoğan said.