Good ties between Malaysia, Turkey would not be complete if there's no people to people interaction, says Malaysian envoy
The Malaysian envoy in Ankara visited a Turkish school for children with autism on Friday.
The visit in the Turkish capital was a part of the Malaysian Embassy's activities to develop people to people relations between the two nations.
"Both countries are in a very good relationship, but it would not be complete if there are no people to people interaction," said Arhan Syafrisyah Shah Anuar, Malaysian Charge d'Affaires in Ankara.
Speaking to Anadolu Agency at the event, where he distributed gifts among the children with autism, Shah Anuar said: "It is the people who make the country great."
He highlighted that there were many activities, courses and projects under the fields of education, culture, and economy to contribute to good relationships between the two countries at the grassroots level.
During the event, the embassy screened a video featuring the tourism of Malaysia while the school authorities presented another video where school students and teachers took part in.
After the event, guests tasted traditional food from Malaysian cuisine.