
Albayrak Group Launches Metrobus Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Yenişafak English
18:21 - 27/07/2024 Saturday
Yeni Şafak
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Albayrak Group, a company renowned for its extensive experience in construction, logistics, and public transportation, is set to embark on an ambitious metrobus project in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Leveraging expertise gained from a successful metrobus project in Pakistan, Albayrak aims to significantly enhance Kinshasa's transportation infrastructure.

The proposed metrobus project targets the crucial transportation corridor between the city center and the airport, an area plagued by severe traffic congestion. Currently, the existing infrastructure is inadequate to support the approximately one million people who travel this route daily, resulting in journey times extending up to 2.5 hours.

With Albayrak Holding's extensive experience, the goal is to establish a faster and more efficient transportation system that will improve time management for both individuals and businesses. The metrobus line will consist of 27 stations spanning 26.8 kilometers. Scheduled to run every 30 seconds, the service will transport 24,000 passengers per hour in one direction, reducing the current 180-minute journey to just 65 minutes.

Additionally, the project is expected to alleviate traffic congestion, subsequently reducing vehicle emissions and air pollution. This initiative represents a significant step towards sustainable development and enhanced quality of life in Kinshasa.

By implementing this advanced metrobus system, Albayrak Group not only addresses immediate transportation challenges but also contributes to the long-term urban development and environmental sustainability of Kinshasa.

#Albayrak Group
#Kinshasa's transportation infrastructure
1 month ago