Security operations have been carried out in Hakkari and Tunceli provinces
A terrorist was killed in an anti-PKK air operation in southeastern Hakkari province on Thursday, according to regional governor’s office.
The operation was carried out in the province’s Ogul town.
Police also detained 12 suspects in a separate operation in eastern Tunceli province.
The operation was carried out in Hozat and Pertek districts against terror groups, including the PKK, the Marxist Leninist Communist Party (MLKP) and the Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey (TIKKO), according to regional governor’s office.
In a written statement, Tunceli governor’s said six suspects were remanded in custody over charges of “membership to armed terror group” and “abetting terror group.”
A suspect was released under judicial control, and five other were under custody, the statement added.