The New Normal

19:049/10/2024, Çarşamba
Abdullah Muradoğlu

Israel, showing no hesitation in severing its ties to human values, demonstrates to the world that it is not part of the "human family." By turning everything into weapons, bombs, and booby traps, Israel has opened the door to a very dangerous path: "a war of everyone against everything." Using phosphorus bombs, Israel has transformed devices like pagers, cell phones, and solar panels into deadly traps, resulting in injuries and deaths. Journalists in Lebanon have drawn attention to allegations

Israel, showing no hesitation in severing its ties to human values, demonstrates to the world that it is not part of the "human family." By turning everything into weapons, bombs, and booby traps, Israel has opened the door to a very dangerous path: "a war of everyone against everything."

Using phosphorus bombs, Israel has transformed devices like pagers, cell phones, and solar panels into deadly traps, resulting in injuries and deaths. Journalists in Lebanon have drawn attention to allegations that Israel has used uranium-depleted bombs.

Israel has erased all red lines and destroyed all rules. Babies, children, women, the elderly, hospitals, schools, places of worship, newspapers, markets, homes, buildings, fields, and olive groves are all potential targets for Israel. It has turned starvation and lack of medicine into tools of genocide, raining bullets on health workers, humanitarian organizations, and their personnel trying to assist the injured in devastated buildings.

In the U.S., politicians, writers, and so-called experts from think tanks defending Israel repeat a single mantra: “Israel's right to self-defense.” In White House press briefings, officials speak in the same manner. Their pre-scripted answers show no empathy for the Palestinian and Lebanese babies, children, and women who have been killed. They sound like a broken record, their responses devoid of emotion and reminiscent of robotic voices generated by artificial intelligence.

Press briefings operate like the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell's famous dystopian novel "1984." The Ministry's job is to obscure the truth, where concepts are inverted: the killer is innocent, the innocent is a killer, war is peace, peace is war, freedom is slavery, and light is darkness.

The "Ministry of Peace" in the 1984 regime is actually the "Ministry of War," tasked with keeping the country in a state of "perpetual war." This reflects the inability of the U.S. to escape its "endless wars." One of the most striking quotes from the novel is, “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”

Another role of the Ministry of Truth is to eliminate ‘harmful’ words from the press. You may remember that at one point, the U.S. State Department banned terms like "ceasefire" and "de-escalation," with mainstream Western media following suit.

Israel and the U.S. appear to be twins in the same regime of truth. Israel interprets Biden’s supposed calls for “ceasefire” as “keep firing.” When Biden says “no” to Israel, it sounds to them like “yes.” They communicate in a bizarre language foreign to most people.

In Orwell's novel, the country is governed by a dictator known as "Big Brother." The slogan “Big Brother is watching you” signifies that surveillance pervades all areas of society, including individuals’ private lives.

In 2013, it was revealed that the National Security Agency (NSA) was listening in not only on its citizens but also on America's allies in Europe. It was also disclosed that the raw data obtained by the NSA was shared with Israel. The surveillance system developed by Israel using artificial intelligence becomes a secret export product.

The AI-supported surveillance system acts as a guide for Israel's indiscriminate bombings, which convert everything into weapons. Whether it's a hospital, school, apartment, or place of worship, tons of bombs are dropped on areas where the system receives signals. Is this the "new model of war"?

Can we expect a mindset that considers itself exempt from the rules of the so-called “rules-based liberal international order” to impose “order on the world”? Will “a war of everyone against everything” become the new normal as all red lines vanish? Orwell's novel, published in 1949, is said to depict the Stalin regime. If Orwell were alive today, who would he attribute the "Big Brother regime" to?

#rules-based international order