Does a serial killer have a 'right to self-defense'?

21:2612/10/2024, Saturday
Abdullah Muradoğlu

It’s said that when Josef Stalin became fixated on someone close to him, he’d turn them into a “problem,” and once he got rid of them, he’d remark, “now there’s no more problem.” Similarly, Americans believe that if there’s an issue, it’s tied to specific people. They think that once those individuals are removed, everything will return to normal. In Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, Americans chose to ignore the fact that this approach only deepened the problems. Israel also believed that by eliminating

It’s said that when Josef Stalin became fixated on someone close to him, he’d turn them into a “problem,” and once he got rid of them, he’d remark, “now there’s no more problem.” Similarly, Americans believe that if there’s an issue, it’s tied to specific people. They think that once those individuals are removed, everything will return to normal. In Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, Americans chose to ignore the fact that this approach only deepened the problems.

Israel also believed that by eliminating leaders, it would bring an end to the Palestinian resistance. But Israel’s ongoing massacres, viewing the killing of each new generation of Palestinians as “mowing the lawn,” has become a rhythmic cycle. Despite killing hundreds of leaders, the Palestinian resistance continues to rise from the ashes with each new generation. This process shows how futile it is to try to stamp out the Palestinian resistance. Now, Israel believes it can commit genocide and annex all of Palestinian lands. Empowered by the support it gets from the U.S., Israel is even attempting to turn Lebanon into a desert just like it has with Gaza.

The U.S. is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council with veto power, which comes with a responsibility to uphold the UN’s credibility. However, when Israel declared the UN Secretary-General “persona non grata” and opened fire on UN peacekeepers stationed in southern Lebanon, injuring four soldiers, the White House merely issued a weak statement to Israel. It went no further than an empty gesture.

The Israeli military claims that firing on UN soldiers was an “accident,” just like it “accidentally” commits genocide, “accidentally” kills babies and children, and “accidentally” shoots peaceful protesters in the head. It also “accidentally” kills aid workers distributing food and medicine in Gaza. Israel knows these are lies, but the U.S. expects everyone to believe them.

Matthew RJ Brodsky, who served as a Middle East advisor on the National Security Council during Trump’s presidency, reportedly suggested bombing the UN posts manned by Irish soldiers in southern Lebanon and dropping incendiary napalm bombs on them. Ireland, after all, recognizes the state of Palestine and supports the Palestinians, which fuels Brodsky’s animosity towards Ireland. Just look at Gaza. It’s not hard to imagine what kind of death Brodsky envisions for the Lebanese if he openly advocates burning Irish soldiers to death.

Israel has become more monstrous, feeling confident that no matter what it does, it will be supported by America without question. This is why it dares to add genocide to its chain of massacres. For decades, the U.S. has obstructed the path to a Palestinian state by pretending to offer “solutions.” Arming Israel to the teeth, the U.S. has shown it is not an “honest broker,” but rather a perpetuator of the problem.

Imagine a serial killer who knows they will never be tried for their crimes, convinced no one can stop them, sure that witnesses will be silenced, and the voices of the victims will be drowned out. The serial killer has no doubt that their backer will continue to supply them with weapons, and to that backer, the killer is simply exercising their right to self-defense.

The cries of the children and women torn apart don’t disturb the killer’s sleep, nor that of their backer. Serial killers are known to lack empathy, not even seeing their victims as human. The only thing that matters to them is their “performance.” For the backer, it’s not about whether the serial killer is guilty or not, but about ensuring they can get away with it.

Serial killers don’t stop until they’re caught. There’s never been a serial killer who voluntarily stopped killing. Many are terrified of death because if they die, they can no longer kill others. They all have their reasons, and most believe they are serving a higher purpose. Serial killers often go through a “cooling-off” period after a murder, but the length of that period varies. These traits are typical among serial killers.

Using 500kg, 1000kg, and 2000kg bombs, Israel continues to kill more innocent people. Inflicting suffering by depriving people of food, water, medicine, and homes seems to bring them satisfaction. Israel is like a militarized version of a serial killer and will continue killing until it is stopped.

#Serial killer