This is not how you stay on the right side of history...

If you don’t try to scare off a rabid dog attacking a small child with whatever you have—stick, stone, or just shouting—the only difference between you and the rabid dog is that you’re just watching.

The bystanders include states with political power, like the UN and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and local companies with economic power. Only the US, the UK, and Germany are different—they are feeding the rabid dog.

The UK nurtured it, Germany expelled its Jews, and the US became their protector. After the October 7th attack, President Joe Biden, during his visit to Israel, declared in Tel Aviv, "If there were no Israel, we would have to invent one," openly acknowledging America's backing. The rest, except for a few, remain silent out of fear or speak too timidly to be heard.

In the genocide case brought by South Africa, the international court could only tell Israel to "stop." Could the court have done more? Yes. By not doing more, it became complicit in the crime against humanity. Its failure to impose sanctions showed that this issue cannot be resolved through legal or diplomatic means.

Spain’s Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, in response to criticism of his decision to recognize the State of Palestine, said, “We are on the right side of history.” But is being on the right side enough? No. Those on the right side seem numerous, but they are not. We shouldn’t be misled by the millions who, by choice, do nothing and lift not a finger. Being on the right side means acting correctly as well.

Watching is not being on the right side. Silence is not being on the right side. Merely saying “stop” when you have the power to prevent an injustice is not being on the right side. Feeling sorry for Israel’s killing of children but not joining the boycott is not being on the right side. Saying “I don’t buy some of the boycott items, but I can’t give up others” is not being on the right side. Being on the right side isn’t about having many friends on that side.

If we can’t stop the rabid dog, we need to scare its owners—namely, the US, the UK, and Germany. We need to harm their economic interests and disrupt their benefits and operations. How? By expanding the economic boycott, including all products and brands of global companies, pressuring the state and official institutions for more sanctions, and involving local companies in the boycott, even under the threat of boycott if necessary. We should use the media more effectively, push celebrities to be more active on Gaza, reject ads from brands on the boycott list, and boycott TV shows and series that accept ads from global companies that support the killing of children.

As a reasonable majority on the right side, if we acted with human dignity, honor, and intelligence, we wouldn’t be experiencing any of this. Let’s not fool ourselves—we are not doing everything we can. We settle for very little, silence our conscience, and deceive ourselves, which is why organized evil continues unchecked. It thrives and worsens. The only strength the child killers and occupiers' supporters have is our silence. They know very well they are on the wrong side and commit these crimes knowingly, becoming complicit in child killings knowingly. Global companies knowingly support genocide. Their only fear is the incredible resistance of those on the right side and the unwavering determination of Gazans to never abandon their land. We need to amplify this fear.

3 ay önce
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