We were in need of a leader like Selim the Grim, Suleyman the Magnificent. God bestowed him on Anatolia. You shouldn’t have targeted Turkey. This was your gravest miscalculation. We are a nation that knows its friends and foes, and never forgets. Those telling us to ‘halt’ the Syria op are enemies; stopping now would be suicide.

11:0717/10/2019, Thursday
U: 17/10/2019, Thursday
İbrahim Karagül

Our historical claims have returned.The region’s power has been restored.The political legacy that has been shaping these lands for centuries is back.Strength and wit, compassion and leadership are in their realm once again.The great plan they thought they destroyed with World War I has been launched. All claims, theories and memories have been dusted off their shelves once again.We are a great nation, a great region. What are you going on about!We experienced all this in Yemen, the Suez Canal,

Our historical claims have returned.

The region’s power has been restored.

The political legacy that has been shaping these lands for centuries is back.

Strength and wit, compassion and leadership are in their realm once again.

The great plan they thought they destroyed with World War I has been launched. All claims, theories and memories have been dusted off their shelves once again.

We are a great nation, a great region. What are you going on about!

We experienced all this in Yemen, the Suez Canal, in Palestine, in every inch of the Balkans, in Sarıkamış, the Caucasus, in the East and West, in all villages and towns of the south.

What do you have to say against such a history? What do you have to teach us?

We are Turks, Arabs, Kurds, Albanians and Bosniaks. We are Caucasian and Chechen. We are Turkey, Iraq, Syria. From Sudan to Syria, all the way to the depths of Asia, we are one region.

You were going to make us kneel and shrink, is that so?

Did you were going to teach us a lesson, banish us from history through murderers like Daesh, like the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), like the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ)?

Did you think you were going to vacate our surroundings, turn it into a complete mess and siege our country?

You were going to form alliances in the country, establish fronts abroad and make us kneel, is that so?

You were going to conspire to muddy the minds of people and dumbfound them through political myopia, is that so?

Did you think we wouldn’t comprehend what was going on and that you were going to shrink Turkey?

This time you miscalculated. You were not going to target Turkey. Have you never studied political history?

The project you have been continuing for three decades since the 1991 Gulf War has now collapsed!

You invaded Iraq. You started the Syria war. Everything was on its due course. Turkey was next. You were about to open the “Turkey front.” You were building a front, a wall from Iran to the Mediterranean.

Then, you were going to take action. You were going to divide a third country.

You miscalculated. You should not have done so. You should not have targeted and threatened Turkey. You should have studied history, even if only a little.

You confused Turkey with the others. You made a grave error. See, this is what happens: that project blew up in your face.

We are a nation that knows its friends, foes, and never forgets

All your plans since you established the PKK, since the Syria war broke out have been ruined. The tides have turned. Because history has been reversed, but you could not comprehend it. Those who were against us in Çanakkale are against us again today.

Those who were against us in the War of Independence are against us again today.

Those who divided this region after the Ottomans are against us again today.

We are a nation that knows its friends and foes. We are also a nation that never forgets. We are testing this once more.

We are not surprised. We are not concerned. We are not afraid. We took action while being aware of all this.

The US is the patron of terror, Europe is the contractor, and those who sold Jerusalem are Arab regimes

Those whose histories are rife with genocide are shamelessly trying to teach us a lesson.

U.S., the global boss of terrorism; France and Germany, the contractors of terrorist organizations; the racist state of Israel that is behind all the dirty business in the region; the U.K. that is offering its imperial experience to the service of this war-- they were all carrying out a relentless war against Turkey.

They were hiding behind terrorist organizations and attacking our nation.

Their puppets, the Arab regimes that are remnants of colonization, were financing this war. The Saudi administration, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) administration that sold off Jerusalem to Israel, Mohammed bin Salman and Mohammed bin Zayed, who stooped as low as to say, “”Rule Mecca as well, as long as you take care of us,” were fighting against Turkey in the north of Syria.

The PKK is the U.S. – the U.S. is its boss.

France, Germany and Israel are the patrons of terrorism.

It is not terrorism but these countries that have been striking us for the last four decades. It is these countries’ weapons that martyred thousands of our people.

Do they think us fools?

They were going to attack Turkey. What were we supposed to do, bow our heads and surrender?

Together, they were building terror armies at our border and preparing for the great war. They were preparing to attack us a second time after World War I.

They talk about fighting terrorism, all the while they were attacking us through it. They were building hundreds-of-kilometers-long thick walls between Syria and Turkey.

What were we supposed to do? What would a country do? Were we supposed to surrender? Were we supposed to approve? Were we supposed to obsequiously bow our heads and accept the destiny they ordained for us? Were we supposed to stand audience to the war preparation growing before our very eyes?

Every country against the Peace Spring Operation is behind terrorism. Hence, you are the target Turkey.

Every country pressuring Turkey today, opposing the Peace Spring Operation,and trying to stop Turkey endorse terrorist organizations, the PKK and Daesh.

Every country opposing Turkey’s fight against terrorism today, its self-defense efforts, is carrying out a covert war against Turkey. Every PKK attack is their attack.

We not only have terrorist organizations against us but the multinational front that supports them. We are defending our country not against terrorism but them. We are defending it to prevent the war from spreading inside Turkey, to Maraş, to Sivas, inside Anatolia.

We have nothing to say to them. They know everything. They are simply in enmity towards Turkey.

They are consciously doing everything.

Hence, you are their target, Turkey.

We will never stop. Giving up now would be suicide

They were going to build a “second Israel” that would span the Iranian border and the Mediterranean. They were going to attack Turkey and all regional countries for years from Turkey. We set off to prevent this major plot targeting not only our country but the entire region.

We can never ever stop. If we do, it will be our end. We are going to endure all sorts of difficulties and accomplish this. We are going to protect Turkey, Anatolia.

I repeat: Every country, every leader calling for a ceasefire is protecting the PKK. Every country, every leader demanding that this intervention be stopped is striking Turkey while hiding behind the PKK.

We will never turn back. If we do, we will never be able to recover. We will never be able to build the same resistance again.

We needed a leader like Selim the Grim, a Suleyman the Magnificent. God bestowed him on Anatolia, to our region

History is written by making tough decisions.

Regions are protected by making difficult decisions, by paying a price. Both the Seljuks and Ottomans did the same.

Our historical claims have returned; the political legacy is back. It is time to upturn the tables of those who came to us with maps. We will never again go through what we experienced at the start of the 20th century.

The rising era for Turkey has started.

It is right at this point in time that we needed a leader like Selim the Grim, Suleyman the Magnificent.

God bestowed what we needed on Anatolia, our region.

This is our response to those map projects.

Now take those files and go.

Remember, we have just begun.
