As Peshmerga pass through our subheadings

11:1631/10/2014, Friday
U: 31/10/2014, Friday
Hilal Kaplan

In many ways, I don’t agree with the language used in the news entitled “FSA (Free Syrian Army) is at the front, and Peshmerga is at the show”, which had taken place in our newspaper’s subheading yesterday. Actually, the “They had saluted everyone that had gone out to the streets” statement in the under title explains the situation. While the Peshmerga were passing through Turkey’s lands, the public had gone out to the streets and shown their kindness by greeting them. The reason for the layove

In many ways, I don’t agree with the language used in the news entitled “FSA (Free Syrian Army) is at the front, and Peshmerga is at the show”, which had taken place in our newspaper’s subheading yesterday.

Actually, the “They had saluted everyone that had gone out to the streets” statement in the under title explains the situation. While the Peshmerga were passing through Turkey’s lands, the public had gone out to the streets and shown their kindness by greeting them. The reason for the layover and slow movement stems from this. If the Barzani administration or the Ministry of the Peshmerga hasn’t given a promise like “We won’t show ourselves, even if there is an ovation outside”, then it is clear that the Peshmerga are not the only ones doing the “show” here.

Then, what is the reason behind the public’s extreme enthusiasm? Is it because they are separationists or they don’t like Turkey? Let’s assume that a country like Turkey doesn’t exist, and you are living in a country named Kurdistan, where you had been oppressed with assimilation policies for 90 years. Let’s assume that a new mentality had become dominant and finally put an end to the assimilation. Afterwards, your country had formed a strategic alliance with Azerbaijan, and in this manner, your country had provided a passage for Azerbaijan troops to head towards a city under attack, a city where your family members are living. In that case, won’t you welcome the troops on the roads?

For example, leaving aside a land piece filled with your “cognates”, if TSK (Turkish Armed Forces) had sent brigades to Bosnia, which is howling under the atrocity of the Chetniks, wouldn’t the Turks living in Western Thrace be seeing them off with the same enthusiasm?

Maybe, with the worry that these images might pave the way for a second Khabur incident, this news had been made with a “warning” nature, however, a lot of water had flowed beneath that bridge… For example, last year when Barzani visited Diyarbakır, he was escorted by a convoy, which had been equipped with Iraq Kurdistan Regional Administration flags, until he had reached Turkish borders. For example, during that visit, he had been welcomed by Prime Minister Erdoğan. On that same day, Erdoğan had gone down in history books as the first Prime Minister of Turkey that had mentioned “Kurdistan”. For example, the Chief Commander of the Peshmerga, Barzani, had deposited the money gained from the crude oil in his lands to Halk Bank, rather than American Banks. For example, Prime Minister Davutoğlu had stated that Turkey is at the same time a Kurdish state, and if the PKK members had gone out of the Turkish borders, then a higher level of support would have been given to Kobane….

Besides, while the passage of Peshmerga was an interlude formula suggested and supported by Turkey, while it was known to everyone that this was a step, which would have rescued Rojava from PKK’s monistic policies and helped Rojava become pluralistic, while the

PKK press, who felt uncomfortable with that, didn’t even make any news related with the incident on its first day, while HDP, who had voted against the memorandum, was forced to observe the actual use of the memorandum gapingly, while the Assad regime had declared their discomfort in the arrival of the Peshmerga and the FSA (Free Syrian Army), in other words, while an “operation”, which is also important from the point of the country’s benefits, is being actualized, shaking this operation in this way is not even rational.

In the forthcoming period, in order to avoid falling prey to the colonist forces again, both sides have to stick to their hearts and souls on the Turkish-Kurdish alliance. Since I know that Yeni Şafak had been a newspaper that had protected this perspective on a vast scale until now, I want to put this “opposing comment” down.

#fight for Kobane
#Free Syrian Army
#peshmerga transition via turkey