Born in Eskişehir in 1950, Bülent Orakoğlu completed his primary and secondary education in Eskişehir. After graduating from the Police College in 1968 and the Police Academy in 1971, he worked as the Director of Counterterrorism and Intelligence directorates in various provinces for about 7 years. Between 1987 and 1997, he served as the Provincial Police Chief of Giresun, Hatay, Niğde, and the Intelligence Department of the General Directorate of Security, respectively. He was imprisoned in Mamak Military Prison by the junta during the 28 February Events. Orakoğlu, who remained in Prison for 56 Days, was acquitted by a military court for performing his legal duty and was cleared of any wrongdoing. Orakoğlu has 3 children and 5 grandchildren. He has 3 published books called Decipher, Betrayal Circle, and Shadow Plays in Ankara.
As a matter of fact, our American “allies” see no harm in portraying Turkey as the U.S.’s enemy, at every opportunity. The U.S. military’s spokesperson in Syria, Colonel Ryan Dillon, who recently appeared on German TV, not only said they provided all sorts of weapons to the Democratic Union Party (PYD), he also said, in reference to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), “My enemy’s enemy is my friend.” Did he not? U.S. President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon also stated in Washington that, “Turkey is the greatest threat targeting the U.S. and, as a matter of fact, Turkey is even more dangerous for the U.S. than Iran.” Did he not? Also, wasn’t it reported by judicial authorities that our nine security officers, who were martyred the previous day at the border’s zero point in Şemdinli, Hakkari, were killed with the weapons the U.S. supplied to the PKK-PYD?
As if they are not the instigator forces behind the 1960, 1971, 1980, Feb. 28, Feb. 7 National Intelligence Organization (MİT), Gezi, Dec. 17/25 failed coup attempts and the July 15 bloody attempt or coup. All NATO and EU countries have opened arms to thousands of Fetullah Terror Organization (FETÖ) fugitives, primarily to ringleader Fetullah Gülen, and let alone extradite the members of the terrorist organization to Turkey, they are aiding and abetting terrorism by hosting them and providing them residency permits – very much the way they are aiding and abetting the separatist PKK terrorist organization, giving them training and weapons. What harm has Turkey done to the U.S. from the 1960s to date? Nothing at all. Yet, the U.S. has sacrificed thousands of our citizens to terrorism and, with the support it has given coups, it has prevented our country for at least a century from catching up with the level of Western countries. Actually, the U.S. and Israel are the ones that are Turkey’s true enemies, acting like friends, trying dastardly to undermine Turkey. They want to divide and tear apart Turkey while they are also dividing and tearing apart the Middle East. However, as a game changer in the Middle East and the world, Turkey has foiled the U.S. and Israel’s games in the Middle East with the Euphrates Shield operation. It clearly announced to all countries, friend and foe alike, that it will not allow Turkey to be sieged, just like it wouldn’t allow the terrorist corridor. As the driving force of the Astana process, through an alliance with Russia and Iran, Turkey negated the strategy which aimed to destroy Syria and Iraq's territorial integrity by Balkanizing the region.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s statement, which could be considered to be his second doctrine, targeted the countries supporting terrorism: “We do not care at all about such and such state being behind such and such [terrorist] organization and another state being behind another [terrorist] organization. No legitimate state can keep its own soldiers, its own staff together with terrorists. Our forefathers say that one should not force their chances and simply accept whatever befalls them. This is our last word to those who thought they distracted us until now by saying, ‘alliance,’ ‘strategic partnership,’ ‘alliance ties.’”
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