Yeni Şafak English

Spanish court requests arrest for Netanyahu over ‘Mavi Marmara’

Ersin Çelik
10:1920/08/2017, Sunday
U: 20/08/2017, Sunday
Yeni Şafak
​Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
​Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu might allegedly be arrested if he steps foot on Spanish soil

A Spanish court allegedly issued a warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It is reported that Netanyahu, who ordered occupant Israeli forces to attack the Mavi Marmara ship flotilla en route to deliver aid to Gaza in 2010, will be arrested in the event he enters Spain.

Spanish national court judge Jose de la Mata made an official order to the police regarding Netanyahu and seven other Israeli officials.

According to Neonnettle, Israel confirmed the decision, and said: “We consider it to be a provocation. We are working with Spanish authorities to get it cancelled.”

Israeli security forces attacked the Freedom Flotilla, which was trying to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, and martyred 10 civilians in 2010. Former Israeli officials Ehud Barak, Avigdor Leiberman, Moshe Yaalon and Eli Yishaib are among the names playing a part in the attack.

The case, which was put on hold last year, has reportedly been finalized in Spain. More than 500 civilians in the flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza were affected by the attack. The attack on Mavi Marmara, which was in the flotilla that containing participants from various countries, martyred 10 civilians, and injured hundreds of others.

Spanish citizens also attended the aid flotilla, and the then officials were sued.

#Mavi Marmara
#Freedom Flotilla
#Benjamin Netanyahu

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