
Putin is only man on Earth who can end war in Syria: UK Minister

"There's one man on this planet who can end civil war in Syria by making a phone call, and that's Putin," said Foreign Secretary Hammond

Ersin Çelik
10:48 - 15/02/2016 Pazartesi
Update: 10:55 - 15/02/2016 Pazartesi
Yeni Şafak

British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond has said that the Russian President Vladimir Putin is the "one man on this planet" who can end the Syrian civil war.

"There's one man on this planet who can end the civil war in Syria by making a phone call, and that's Mr Putin," Hammond said during his speech broadcasted on BBC.

"Whether or not Assad goes or stays ultimately will depend on whether the Russians are prepared to use their influence to remove him," said Hammond.

'Russia should obey international law'

"Russian air power was forcing opposition forces to give ground, but the Syrian government was unable to take and hold that territory," he said.

He also said that 150,000 moderate opposition forces in Syria are now suffering attrition from Russian air strikes.

The Foreign Secretary also called on the Russians to stop airstrikes in Syria, which he said consisted of "carpet bombing tactics" and "indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas."

"We demand that the Russians comply with their obligations under international law and their obligations under UN Security Council resolutions that they have signed up to," he added.

'Sunni Arabs have concerns due to Iranian involvement'

Hammond also dismissed the claims of Russia which says that the sending troop moves of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Arabian countries may cause a war by evaluating this statement as 'exaggeration.'

"The Sunni Arabs have concerns due to the involvement of Iranian troops in the war," the minister said.

UK Minister also said that the negotiation on the future of the European Union (EU) will continue until the summit to be held in Brussels, capital of Belgium.

Hammond said the draft deal contains lots of "square brackets," "blanks" and "unclear language," but added a final agreement should provide "clear winds for Britain on national sovereignty."

UK is at turning point with EU

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond says Britain needs a "robust deal" for staying in the EU, when European leaders meet at a summit on Thursday.

United Kingdom's Prime Minister David Cameron will be at the summit to be held in Brussels as a part of the negotiations over Britain's future in the European Union.

The argument that the 28-nation bloc would be weaker without its second-biggest economy gives Cameron leverage as he closes in on a deal to reset the UK's terms of membership ahead of a stay-or-leave referendum.

European Council President Donald Tusk issued a stark warning that the EU had “no more than two months" to tackle the migration crisis engulfing the 28-nation bloc, or face the collapse of its passport-free Schengen zone.

#Vladimir Putin
#Philip Hammond
#carpet bombing
#Saudi Arabia
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