Greece shuts down nine Turkish schools

Ersin Çelik
17:5819/09/2016, Monday
U: 19/09/2016, Monday
Yeni Şafak

Sixty minority schools, including nine Turkish schools, are shut down due to an insufficient number of students

As many as 60 minority schools have been shut down by Greek authorities, who justified the decision by saying there isn't a sufficient number of students in the schools, according to 2010's regulation paving way to closing schools with a small number of students.

The families of the students along with non-governmental organizations reacted to the decision, saying the requests of the minority are ignored by the Greek authorities.

The Coalition of the Radical Left's (SYRIZA) Xanthi deputy, Hüseyin Zeybek, called the minorities to embrace their schools.

"It is so sad to see, that as in some villages like Susurköy, the schools are being closed because Turkish minorities send their children to state schools instead of minority schools," he said.

"We will put all our efforts to prevent more schools from being closed," he added.

A number of non-governmental organizations stated that they are both against the shutdown of the schools and the “240 Imam law" which pave the way for the minority students to take religion education in Greek.


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