Yeni Şafak English

German Green Party campaigns over ‘anti-Erdoğan’ discourse

Ersin Çelik
13:0020/08/2017, Sunday
U: 20/08/2017, Sunday
Yeni Şafak
Cem Özdemir, co-chair of the German political party the Greens (R) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Cem Özdemir, co-chair of the German political party the Greens (R) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel

German political parties run their election campaigns through slogans against Turkey

Germany continues to target Turkey and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as the general election approaches, which is scheduled to take place on Sept. 24, 2017. Known for his anti-Turkey opinions, Cem Özdemir, co-chair of the German political party the Greens, had a poster prepared for his campaign that reads: “Vote for Özdemir to annoy Erdoğan.”

The campaign posters prepared by the Greens are aimed at Turkey and President Erdoğan.

Erdoğan’s call on Turks living in Germany

Political parties in Germany, where general election is near, attempts to increase their votes through anti-Turkey discourse. On Friday, Erdoğan had called on ethnic Turks not to support major parties including "the Christian Democrats, the SPD [Social Democratic Party] or the Greens,” calling them “enemies of Turkey.”

“You should give them best lesson at the ballot box by using your democratic right optimally,” he said in his address on Saturday. "Vote for those who are not hostile to Turkey."

#Cem Özdemir
#Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

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