Greek Cypriots against bi-zonal federation: N. Cyprus

Ersin Çelik
17:4510/10/2016, Pazartesi
U: 10/10/2016, Pazartesi

Greek Cypriot Administration resists calls for bi-community, bi-zonal federation, says TRNC president's spokesman

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Presidency spokesman has said that Greek Cypriot Administration has poisoned the environment by resisting calls to establish a bi-community, bi-zonal federation in Cyprus.

In a statement issued Monday, Barış Burcu said that Greek leader Nicos Anastasiades's Greek Cypriot administration held a "refusal front" to peace talks.

"The refusal front has poisoned the environment by mentioning its resistance to a bi-community, bi-zonal federation whenever possible."

"The aim of the refusal front is a unity state dominated by the Greek population," said Burcu in the statement.

Reunification talks between the Greek and Turkish communities on the island resumed in May 2015 and are expected to be resolved by the end of this year with the formation of a federal administration.

Previous negotiations stalled in October 2014 due to a dispute over gas exploration.

The eastern Mediterranean island was divided into a Turkish Cypriot state in the north and a Greek Cypriot administration in the south after a 1974 military coup was followed by the intervention of Turkey as a guarantor power.

#Baris Burcu
#Greek Cypriot
#Turkish Republic of northern Cyprus